my boyfriend is getting fat and i like it

My husband is always grabbing my love handles ( having kids, I can't get rid of them no matter how hard I try). YOUR KILLING YOUR HUSBANDS!!!". 350 pounds is nice foundation weight. Squeezing her belly roll for fit ladies to see! A few more indulgent calories when I feel like a snack or a special dessert. That's the real trick. Whenever I observe how fat Ive gotten, my wife just raises her eyebrows and smiles seductively. Yeah, I gained during the pandemic, then added to that. What size were you when you met each other? You can't force someone to have the same kinks as you. Actually, this is the main reason why so many people are reluctant to overcome their skinny fat because they think that looking good is all that matters. It's so uncharacteristic of me, especially since my last boyfriend was a total sports buff. My name is Monique and I wanted to tell you about how my boyfriend wanted to get rid of my fat. He stepped on the scale the other day and he has gained 50 pounds!The problem is I feel guilty watching him fatten up and liking it. Tease him! Is it all her fault? But life happens and with work and kids and the house it is only natural that he got bigger. He complained about the new size, so I walked over to him, patted his bulging tummy, grabbed his love handles and told him how attractive he is to me. Is he feeling that too? Give him what he loves! I tried this, thinking I would be sneaky and get him just a little fat. Pinterest. The good news about this is that even though youre less attracted to your boyfriend right now (fine, valid, morally neutral), there is opportunity for that to change, for your attraction to him to grow again. There is plenty of them out there. He likes to lay next to me facing me and push our bellys together. My hubby seems to really enjoy my gain as well. My husband is getting fat. If youre in the middle of a hurricane, for example, you might not be like, Damn, my husband Harold has really sexy calves, even if they normally get you going. Thats when it really gets fun. "Taking care of your hubby by fattening him up is the ultimate expression of love! It's.. everything about his growing body that drives me wild. Working out is when I feel the difference the most. He always has had a great appetite, and I like to see men get fat, so I keep him well fed and only cook really fattening dishes, which he loves. S** just keeps getting better each year, and she has said she doesn't plan to change her eating habits until she's 500. 9. Dunno, half and half I guess. Just be honest and upfront and complementary of her new size and shape. She's no longer purposely packing on the pounds, but just slowly getting fatter from her normal eating habits. Had a lot of naughty meetings too as a result - guys coming to enjoy her and play. Now she saggy and I'm kinda lost interest. Wow. In this article, we have discussed this topic in detail. I know I'm being selfish by wanting him a way he might not be happy with. Just because you like it doesnt mean being fat is healthy for your body. Is a 70 pound 2 year old too big? No way jose! Thats why everyone should remain careful about these causes. Copyright 20052023 My life changed - for the better - one Saturday evening when my dad asked if I'd go with him on one of his all-you-can-eat buffet outings. Sounds fantastic - are you mutually gaining? How much ice cream can you eat at one sitting? I'm retired! I new he likes big girls . A link that will let you reset your password has been emailed to you. Thanks for being a roll model . Sometimes I would require him to keep eating in the bedroom. Funny how an average american woman life packs on the pounds ha. I have been dating this guy for over 2 years now. I like my men very chubby, so I kept feeding him up. Here's the best solution: Make his weight-loss . It also helps that he now works from home most of the time, sitting at the computer. I spent enough time growing it! I don't know if he's testing me for my reaction or what. Once you have the percentage, compare it with the recommended percentage of body fats (10%-20% for healthy men, 18%-28% for women), and if it is more than these ranges (though he has a normal weight), your husband is skinny fat. The first time I saw him shirtless, my jaw dropped. I love to show my fat wife off to all the skinny b******. I realized I started finding this to be very attractive because now I get obsessed about what he eats. I understand that. Her belly has really grown. Of course, I'm in heaven. She's only 135 and works out regularly. Love fat women, they just look so good. All I can think of when he does that is this is how its going to be from now on. Safe words are another great solution. At that height, you have to be 180 pounds to be on the cusp of obesity. My wife is the same way. After she had our son it didn't seem like she lost that much weight . :). Don't deny your self just to follow what she wants either. I've discussed the ways to make him happy and deal with this situation with a calm state of mind. You just need to find one that's cool with being fat. What Im concerned about is his mental health. I dont think a belly looks bad on a man and he has a strong frame and can carry the weight. Just please do not take that out on him or his body. The same could be asked of thin people and some of the toxic culture and expectations around always being extremely in shape. How much weight have you both gained? When Having An Affair Is An Act Of Self-Care, Karly & Deb Found A Simple Way Of Making Long Distance Work, Caroline & Nat First Met At A House Party Over A Decade Ago, Get Even More From Bustle Sign Up For The Newsletter. Can you imagine your hubby as a 500 pounder? I mean it seems much more common than you would think. I can't take my hands off her fat bum . At the time I weighs somewhere around 265-275. Couldn't keep my hands off her. . Dont worry about it, baby! More often, it waxes and wanes. He likes me real fat and say that i can keep eating what i wants. Do employers care about a 2.2 after a few years? They'd hate it!!!!! Lots of ice cream, desserts and soft drinks. Its a dream come true for you, isnt it? But a . I think this is common in straight dating generally, but there's additional pressure for fat women to have sex or be sexual during the get-to-know-you stage. Im realizing that as I put on some weight. Keep up the snacks and you might be there someday! Actually, no. My wife says I look 8 months pregnant, loland I've got a new pair of b****. Trans fat, alcohol, added sugar and fried foods are linked to fatty liver disease. Any idea on where you will stop? But once she realized how much it turned me on, the dam broke. According to a new survey, he is. So now they are fattening each other up!! Shell offer seconds or keep sweets around knowing I cant help myself. If you try again and he continues to be defensive about this or wont take any steps to care for himself, then, OK, you have a new problem. Enjoy what you have! Do you feel bad about how you feel about him fattening up? I am successful, greedy, indulgent, fatter than ever, and answer to piggy. With her encouragement, and I ADORE HER FAT, I foresee a large amount of belly rubs in my future both getting and giving. Abuse increases my appetite, so further gaining is inevitable. She says she doesn't care how fat she gets, so the number doesn't matter. She got diabetes of pregnancy right toward the end, but still kept pigging out. Hes up nearing 90lbs from when we got married. Then bring bigger pants on the honeymoon so he can enjoy himself. I don't know exactly what I'd thought I'd accomplish by confessing. You mean like metaphorically or like physically because we are bigger than skinny people? A couple of years ago I thought of having gastric bypass surgery but am glad I didn't because it would have ruined my marriage . She just wasn't comfortable with her weight and did it anyway. In order to get him to actually go, sign him up for a personal trainer or massage at . Fat isnt always bad. Have you ever talked to any of your friends and or know if any women you know that also likes their men Fat or were they willing to admit it. 5. With that being said. He was (and for me still is) like a God on Earth. And why? Yea, thats so sweet. Regarding your girlfriend's weight gain, it's worth having a conversation with her about it - one that focuses on her feelings, not yours. Please, always consult with a Licensed Professional or your Local Doctor for advice if you need to. now the simple sight of her naked huge body turns me on so much it drives me nuts! But we're making our men fat, too: Sixty-two percent of women said . Ive always been on the diet side of the conversation, but now that Ive put on some weight, I understand the obesity side much more. Want to read confessions and comments uncensored? At 27 years old and rather tall, 98 pounds takes a whole lot of work. I dont have no plans for slowing down. Yep . So since Ive been with my husband Ive gained about 50lbs. Sometimes it feels more like were roommates than boyfriend and girlfriend and Im really upset by that. (Instead actually say what you feel though, obviously.) I know my wife, who loves to eat too much to worry about how fat she is or will become, really started to pack on the pounds after she became friends with a coworker who is even fatter the she is. If I gets fat enough to be imobile, thats OK as long as he can still f uck me. Now y'all need to know my family is fat and my hubsand totally encourages my getting fatter. Show up, love him, give yourself a break, forgive yourself, keep loving him. I want to tell him, confess how I love his body, and I don't want him to starve himself. You want him to like himself as much as you . My youngest, who is 10, weighs 248 lbs, my middle daughter is 12 and 307 lbs, and my oldest is 14 and 382 lbs. The Student Room and The Uni Guide are trading names of The Student Room Group Ltd. Register Number: 04666380 (England and Wales), VAT No. My husband is fattening up even without my help. Can you go on more date nights? Saying words like "fat and ugly, or fat and lazy" may be a bit harsh, but the truth is, we really do want to be attracted to our partners. I was surprised how attracted I was to my hubby as he started piling on some pounds. Both mom and baby came through with flying colors. Just because you like it doesnt mean being fat is healthy for your body. By keeping his belly full and pushing him beyond his limits, in a few years you can really fill him out. Follow us for the best, hand picked confessions. I never really wanted to gain but secretly love how he looks at me, rubs my body, and ultimately fantasize him feeding me. Just the sight of his boxers folding under his gut or seeing him try on clothes that are now too small for him.. She is still breast feeding our youngest and needs to be pumped on a daily basis and since she is so huge, she has difficulty doing it herself. . With you at what weight will you or would you stop letting your husband keep getting fatter, is the a upper limit or just see where it goes? The problem is I feel guilty watching him fatten up and liking it. We even talked to therapy and I explained my reasons. In that case, you probably like the way he is getting fat. Her sweet tooth is out of control, and I make sure it stays that way by having a constant supply of her favorites on hand at all times. There is nothing you have to gain from telling your partner that theyve gained weight and that you arent as horny for them because of it. As I stated, life is interesting and I wouldn't change a single thing for all the money in the world. than similar people who are thin. Brian was the type of guy I spent most . Exactly. W / Women Now True story: "I gained 20kg to please my fat-loving boyfriend" Clara* was slim all her life, but falling in love with a man who preferred chubby women put her on the path to weight gain - and she says she has no regrets Being comfortable in a committed relationship is more important than any dress size or pants size to me. Lucky man fatten her more. Grammar and punctuation are obviously not your strong suit. I love how watching a successful business person grow wider and wider. Obviously he loves you getting fatter! Now I'm a size 24 slacks and 3x top. From hair trends to relationship advice, our daily newsletter has everything you need to sound like a person whos on TikTok, even if you arent. Some men like a softer . and our Whether thats me putting on weight and filling out or a romantic partner. Its not like hes unhealthy big but after 20 years together he is about 125 pounds bigger which sounds like a lot when I type it but really isnt. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. YOUR KILLING YOUR HUSBANDS!!! The moobs were first. He says only two hands are not enough when we make love. I wouldn't mind if he did . People will skinny fat are at risk of the same medical health conditions as obese people, except it becomes more dangerous for them since it is not easy to notice from the outside. She never verbally discussed it with me but the bigger I kept getting the lovemaking and bigger fattening meals just kept coming. She never discouraged me from dieting before, but I never heard an encouraging word either. A lot of women can't get past the fact that a tall, fit, active guy has a wife that's bigger around and wider than she is tall. Allowing a child to become super obese is parental negligence. In the first year she gained almost 30 pounds. About 7 months ago I met this very sexy girl who is quite tall at 5'10" and so much fun and weighs 476 as of 5 days ago. He jokingly calls me fat but I don't let it bother me. And during s**, shes gotten a lot more grabby and seems to be into my widening body. When we got married, my 5'5" wife was chubby at 175 lbs. She's gonna have to lift my belly though if she wants me. I have been determined to let myself be a total glutton--more than before we's got married. Did your husband ask you to gain for him initially or did you just happen to gain and could tell he liked it and continued getting bigger? Having an obscenely fat gorgeous wife is truely one of life's extreme pleasures. I have known him for about 1 and a half years, but I have gained 24 pounds. She says she feel perfectly fine, and won't go back to the doctor unless she doesn't feel well. Try my best to make believe I enjoy it but faking. I found out recently that many of his past girlfriends were plus-sized ladies from one of his friends - high school, college, etc. WE HAVE IT HERE. What you must avoid is confessing that you're losing your attraction to him. I tell him he's not fat, that he's normal, that guys with meat on them is nice, and so on, but am I doing more harm than good by saying that?? Oh I know why BECAUSE THERE AREN'T ANY. You should always seek an expert opinion if you need to. Plus he carries most of his weight in his tummy and face. Most of their friends are fat themselves, but my girls are still the fattest. Yesterday, I accused her of being a pusher and patted my fat belly and she just raised her eyebrows. I'm guessing you already told her you like her to be curvier; keep enforcing that. Now we are very happy and healthy and s** is amazing. My husband loves me and says how sexy I look and can't take his hands off me. Nice! Really, I didn't realize there was s special membership for making comments. But I look good and curvier at this higher weight, so I feel fine about that. No I take partial responsibility. It isn't an uncontrollable . I think you have to ask yourself what you are comfortable with and determine how you feel about it first. Hi guys, how are you doing? I'm very glad to hear that you and your children enjoy eating and being fat. As a fat woman myself, I'm still struggling with how I feel about it. Fortunately she thinks it's adorable, even the fact that I've lost two inches in p**** size and I'm now down to three inches. He loves it, which is refreshing. Lot to loose but for you it sounds like you may have made your mind up. If it bothers you, you will always be mad atHim for encouraging you to pack on some pounds. Both my x was bbw.After my divorce I found thick girlfriend not yet bbw. Can you take walks with the dog together? After the pregnancy, she just never lost the weight, and in fact, much to my delight, kept gaining. My hubs says he will get me an aide for me. Women are affected terribly by body dysmorphia issues because our culture makes them hate there bodies. It's difficult, challenging, and potentially straining to be in a relationship with someone who has a weight complex. There is only one issue that has become increasingly difficult to deal with: he is rapidly gaining weight. Healthy diet ( FREE ) chart for you to copy. He has put on nearly 250 pounds, and I intend to keep getting him even fatter! I not only love to eat--a lot!-- but my husband is a gourmet chef. Because if she is the type to be constantly trying to be a good fatty by constantly attempting some dumbass diet or worse yet, weightloss surgery, then both you and she will be miserable for the rest of your lives. Im not sure if shes stepped up her efforts, or if Im just finally tuned in. I never saw a woman so happy after I said that. We always talk about how much does she want to gain and she always says whatever will make me happy so with us their will be no limit. I told my wife I have to lose weight this year and she smiled and caressed my bulging love handle. It took me a while to get over the fact that I'm helping to harm this girl's health, but she insists on gaining and eating what she wants, starting with 8 Krispy Kreme donuts every morning. Being open and honest is what worked for us. I just kept saying how lovely and sexy she looked and the more I'd say more she seemed to gain she has a sweet tooth and likes takeaway, My wife is a bbw 350 pounds love her rolls of fat that hang over her fat p**** and huge saggy t*** 44Ddd, My wife lisa is the same way 365 pounds she has fat rolls that hang over fat hairy p**** she also has huge saggy 44 DD t*** with big pink nipples, Any tips on getting my wife fatter? I feel free to indulge without need to justify anything, especially to strangers with dubious intentions. They're fat and the want me to be like them/they think fat kids are cute. My lovely wife had been gaining weight over the years, then, at one point, when she was around 255 pounds (5'5") she decided, enough, time to go on a diet. And glad I didnt figure out she likes me big year ago. My friend even asked if I was pregnant (it didn't help that my gf stuffed me silly with a massive breakfast that morning and I could barely stand afterwards) Since deciding to gain my belly has almost tripled in size and my t*** are up to H cups, not to mention my ass takes up so much space now. When we go out to eat he encourages me to eat more, and when I say I am full he just says, C'mon, just one more bite. In high school my jeans were 30/30. I love him and he still provides well. If we run we can make it in time!". Want to read confessions and comments uncensored? Yup, you can be sneaky about it! If she is into it, and you ask, and shes honest with you, it could open up a whole new phase of your relationship that you both could mutually indulge in and enjoy, and it wouldnt have to be this hush-hush secret anymore. 2- If the pill is having an adverse effect on you or your health, you should see your GP. How big are you planning on going? But subtly overindulging on a regular basis sure is taking an effect! There are many different types of pill and many other forms of contraceptive, and even the Practice Nurse will be willing to give you advice on what may be better for you. There is nothing better than being able to eat whatever you want and get as fat as you want and your partner adores the fat on you! Also, you might consider not posting in all capitals. It's a great sense of freedom and comfort when you realize you're a growing tub of lard with a massive ball gut. Better s**, less arrogant and more relaxed.Just gotta keep having s** with them and keep giving them good food for an easy life. It feels so good, I can't describe it.Some of my friends and my doctor have been concerned, I mean, it's hard not to notice but we stay active with walks and hikes. Women who approach fattening their husbands up like that are really persuasive. Because of the excess weight, I worry about her long term physical health but I probably worry about her emotional health even more. My wife of 25 years when we met she was 5'6" and 210 pounds which was why I was attracted to her. He's not depressed or angry or bitter -- he just makes these comments here and there. Are they teased and called names? I can hardly wait until I hit 300. Who is shaming you? My wife started her married life at about 220 lbs. In 2022, there is much less of a stigma about being overweight and bigger girls are celebrated now a lot more than even ten years ago. Its fun to have great food and enjoy moments with delicious food! This one is different. So you should still put some care into his diet and exercise. I purposely dont go to the doctor so he leaves me alone, and when I shows up in my 9th month, i f ucking nearly pass out when he sees me. Ladies, its not the worst thing to have a bigger guy in your life. The closest Ill allow for is begging a partner to throw away a ratty pair of gym shorts or suggesting that other shoes might look better with an outfit kindly. I like my girlfriend's weight gain. Haha! Happy gaining! I can't wait until it blocks her even when I haven't been stuffed. I understand it's a "fetish" but what justifications would you give to particpating or encouraging it? I write about; Fat people, Im fat, and I'm tired of being fat, what has worked for me to lose weight, the things I've learned about how hard it is, and the problems with that. I'll start off by saying that I am madly in love with my boyfriend. After 1-2hrs you get off, they leave, and there's no clingy phonecalls, stalking or emotional problems like you would get trying to do this with somebody online or in a nightclub. This is going to take effort, time, and patience, which very much sucks. I told her she could never be too fat for my liking and right then she said then she would grow for me and now she is a a beautiful 709 pound beauty and still stuffing herself with all the fattening foods that I buy for her. YOUR KILLING YOUR HUSBANDS!!! My wife has encouraged me to blimp up but no belly rubs for me yet. I was chubby when I was a kid, so my parents sent me to fat camp. I m not so sure its a fetish for everyone. The lesson I took from camp was that people will only love you if you're skinny. Skinny fat, also known as sarcopenic obesity, is a condition that makes a person look skinny on the outside though they have the same medical issues as an obese person on the inside. I know a person my height and size isn't the ideal man for many women, but I'm not giving up hopeor ice cream. I try to counter this overwhelming guilt by making healthier foods or encouraging him to go out to the gym with me, but he never commits. Dear Sugars, I've been with my boyfriend for more than two years. He is supportive, intelligent, has a great sense of humor this list goes on and on. It's easy to think that if our boyfriend tells us that either he doesn't believe in marriage or he doesn't want to get married that he's going to change his mind. Speeding toward sex. With her size now I have to have her track pants made and forget undergarments bras and panties they don't make any large enough for her. People with skinny fat tend to have really attractive bodies, so it's no surprise that you like your boyfriend's skinny fat body. I thinks yeah whatever. Im not into intentional gaining or stuffing. Then show him some pictures of various bbws from 200-400 pounds. Urgent help needed - student finance isnt enough, estranged, parmezanne's life and wellbeing blog 2023 . The content published on this blog is for informational purposes only. 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