doctors speak out against flu shot

In fact, according to a 2018 article from The Lancet by Iuliano AD, et al., a median estimate of 45,000 children young than 5 (studied from 92 countries) die annually from respiratory complications caused by influenza. When people who are already frail or on the edge get flu, they may never return to their pre-flu functional level.. It's an "abysmal and profoundly sad" statistic, according to Dr. William Schaffner, chairman of the department of preventive medicine at Vanderbilt Medical School in Nashville, Tenn. "Both the professional and ethical responsibility of all health care workers is to be vaccinated annually against influenza," Schaffner said. The virus causes inflammation that affects blood vessels to the heart and brain. The MIT study indicates that these figures could be multiplied 10 to 100-fold hence the 50,000 deaths claim, possibly more. At face value, the official figures of 189 million infected and over 4 million killed worldwide sound frightening and there is no reason to make light of the fact that people have suffered and died from what is labelled COVID-19. A growing number of health officials around the world from the United States to Myanmar admit that the number of people who have died directly and solely of COVID-19 is far less than the published figures. Review the agenda for the 2023 Medical Student Advocacy Conference (MAC) taking place in Washington, D.C., March 2-3, 2023. Dec. 9, 2008 -- Every fall, the public is barraged by messages from doctors, nurses and other health care providers to get a flu vaccination to protect against the . Of particular interest were Dr Edeling's insights into the fundamental flaw of mass vaccination during a pandemic and those deaths which occur during the period of immune suppression which follows vaccination - deaths, he says, which are medically vaccine deaths and must be recorded as such. Abby Haglage. The cry of warning is also being censored by the media and social media in an unprecedented push that in itself ought to set off alarm bells, and could get worse as Joe Bidens administration in the USA colludes with Facebook to block out unwanted information and opinion on this platform. }); 19 September 2021. The AMA Update covers a range of health care topics affecting the lives of physicians and patients. Opposition is building and growing shriller. What has to be noted is if vaccination is a public health measure that is supposed to protect and benefit the collective, then it would need to, firstly, ensure that the individual who is vaccinated is rendered immune from the disease in question, and, secondly, that the vaccine inhibits transmission of the disease. Vaccination serves to protect both patient and health care provider from becoming infected with influenza, as well as from transmitting the contagious virus to others. Drive in style with preferred savings when you buy, lease or rent a car. Thats definitely a concern for me, she said. Patients will sometimes coincidentally come down with the flu shortly after receiving the vaccination, but thats just a quirk of timing, Dr. Kirley said, noting that this is one of many common misconceptions about the flu and flu vaccines. Moderna, which was new to vaccine manufacturing, is said to have begun the sequencing of their vaccine in November 2019, a month before the coronavirus outbreak actually happened. Those numbers included 180 children. }); "Here's Why the Missing CDC Scientist Is Not a Flu Vaccine Whistle . (Screen capture: YouTube) The Health Ministry announced Tuesday that an outspoken doctor who denies the coronavirus, opposes vaccination and has reportedly forged virus immunization . And they needed the media to create the hype, and investors would follow where they see profit. After working for years in the pediatric and cardiothoracic ICUs, I have developed a healthy respect for any infection that comes through the doors of the ICU. Some say their doctors told them not to get vaccinated anyway. jQuery(function($) { That language was already underway as early as 2004, with Merck coining the term, the new normal, Dr Fauci warning in 2017 of a possible surprise outbreak, medical war games being played in October 2019 at the Event 201 in the USA in which hyping up the message in the media was stressed, and the WHO helping to set the stage. Overall, 71% of 575 U.S. doctors who were polled said they thought the available evidence supports giving boosters to people who have already had two doses of the Moderna or Pfizer COVID-19 . We typically don't know the effectiveness of the vaccine until we really get into flu season, and we can see what types of viruses actually end up circulating in the population, said Dr. Kirley, adding that every year, the flu vaccine is adjusted to align with what is predicted to be the most likely strains circulating. For the 2022-2023 flu season, there are three flu vaccines that are preferentially recommended for people 65 years and older. There are some medical conditions or reasons why you may not be able to get the spray, or it may not be the best choice for you, but most people can take that option of getting the nasal spray if they really are anxious about getting the shot. Jan Raphael is the pseudonym for a writer who covers Asian and world affairs. What this means for you. Dr Fauci may have been in the cross-hairs of examination last month as he perjured himself by lying in testimony to the US Senate yet his emails reveal a different story, one in which he was allegedly one of the leading players in a nefarious and deadly virus and vaccine development scheme worth billions that included virus development in the Wuhan lab. 8. On July 29, 2020, we reported that many members of America's Frontline Doctors, a physician group that spread misinformation . It is typically pretty comparable to the shot in terms of effectiveness., There are benefits to us as individuals: We're less likely to get the flu. That old thing, I got the flu shot and I still got the flu? The only way to allow the release of these products was to label them vaccines and claim an emergency to avoid the typical years of testing needed for a vaccine product in order to protect the public. A woman receives a flu shot at a Walgreens pharmacy. And here we are caught up with an inconvenient truth allegations that the COVID-19 pandemic was man-made and planned. Myanmar junta kills two villagers and tortures six in Shan States Indian state-owned firm sold artillery barrels to Myanmar: activists. But well tell people all throughout flu season, if you havent gotten the vaccine yet, its still OK to get it and youre likely to benefit as long as influenza viruses are circulating, she said. Legal cases are being drawn up. A nurse at a hospital in Brandenburg, who spoke to DW under the condition of anonymity, said he was skeptical of the BioNTech-Pfizer vaccine, of which he had already received the first dose. $(".mega-back-deepdives .mega-sub-menu").hide(); and the First Nations Health Authority.". The 2023 American Medical Association Medical Student Advocacy Conference (MAC) will be held March 2-3, 2023. Dr McCullough is not alone in claiming the virus and the rollout of the vaccines are part of a bioterrorism programme that has been years in the making and involves patents, lucrative contracts, and the involvement of health organizations including Americas CDC and the World Health Organization (WHO), as well as the media and social media hyping up the fear and attempting to suppress any challenge to the official narrative. To fight vaccine hesitancy stemming from partisanship, doctors can take the SHARE approach: Share the reasons why flu vaccines are important, highlight the positive outcomes associated with flu shots, address any questions your patients might have, remind patients that vaccines protect the individual as well as their community, and explain the serious consequences of . My family and I will continue to get vaccinated every year for the flu. As has been pointed out by one researcher, if they actually called it what it is, namely gene therapy chemotherapy, most people would wisely refuse to take it. The company reportedly knew that is would be placed in the front of the line as early as March 2019. In September 2019, Moderna's amended patent filings mentioned "an accidental or intentional release of a respiratory pathogen", which is a direct quote that was later used in the WHO's "A World At Risk" book, resulting from their pandemic scenario simulation used in Event 201, just weeks before the COVID-19 outbreak started. Dr. Delgado states that the nanographene oxide creates thrombogenicity or blood-clotting in the veins, compromises the immune system, causes bilateral pneumonia, causes loss of smell and taste, causes multi-organ inflammation and essentially creates all the symptoms attributed early in the pandemic rollout to COVID-19. Imagine how the parents of those children must feel, Schaffner said. In ground-breaking news, Spanish medical researchers in two separate studies have analyzed the contents of Pfizer and AstraZeneca vaccine vials and found a toxic blood-clotting substance or poison that may be responsible for adverse effects and deaths in recipients. Speak to a AMA adviser, contact the membership office, media office or give feedback. The UWorld exclusive offer on product discount codes to AMA members has ended. Dr. David Hooper, chief of the Infection Control Unit at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, received his vaccine in October, the beginning of the flu season. He chose not to get the shot himself. Harris, Niamh. Transitioningfrom medical student to resident can be a challenge. If they did, they would know the full extent of the risks involved and not hesitate to provide their children with protection from the flu. He says the COVID-19 deaths have been facilitated by a false narrative bent on pushing an all-new, unproven vaccine for a disease that was highly treatable. And coadministration of flu and COVID-19 vaccineseven the bivalent boosteris permitted if you are eligible and the recommended timing coincides. Best Shopping Deals In the know quiz Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Celebrities too have perpetuated these false concepts. Getting vaccinated is the best way to protect yourself and others from influenza. 2022;28 (12):2374-2382. . But a Texas doctor . She refuses to get the Covid-19 shot. $('mega-back-deepdives').on('click', function(e) { Hard evidence most available in the public domain is now being brought forward to try to explain how this came about. He co-founded a successful biotech. The idea that flu shots cause the flu has been disproven by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, but the myth lives on. Health experts said that while September usually . Vanishingly few people have legitimate reasons to avoid COVID-19 vaccination. Those 80,000 people who died from flu last year? The warning is contained in a joint statement from the College of Physicians and Surgeons of B.C. By LAURAN NEERGAARD, AP Medical Writer. The claim is in reference to a . get the boosters going and really . Stories abound about people who have received the vaccine but still contracted the illness. "We understand that the vaccine is not perfect," Schaffner said. }); A nurse practitioner for nearly 10 years, she believes Covid-19 can kill . $("mega-back-specialties .mega-sub-menu").show(); None of . A collection of AMA policies related to GME. Adams said thats not a good reason to skip the shot. We usually suggest that people reach out to their primary care doctor's office first, said Dr. Kirley. jQuery(function($) { Someone gave them the flu, Surgeon General Dr. Jerome Adams said. Now there are indications that many of the new COVID-19 variant cases are in people who are fully vaccinated according to reports from health professionals. As this, in a sense, bioterrorism phase one was rolled out, it was really all about keeping the population in fear and in isolation and preparing them to accept the vaccine, which appears to be phase two of a bioterrorism operation, he said. Now we appear to have hundreds of millions of people who are being injected with a pathogen stimulating computer sequence which is being sold under what the patent office, the medical profession and what the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and its own clinical standards would not suggest is a vaccine, yet by using the term vaccine they are being subjected to what is alleged to be a biological weapon. While 69% of adults in the U.S. agree that an annual influenza vaccination is the best preventive measure against flu-related deaths and hospitalizations, only 49% of adults in the U.S. plan to get an influenza vaccine during the 2022-2023 flu season, according to a survey . Now he has billions of eager citizens around the world lining up for the COVID-19 shot. Olivia Newton John. What is now evident is that over the last two decades dangerous gain of function virus development has been carried out by American, British and Chinese scientists, often with US taxpayers dollars, to develop potentially deadly viruses. Dr Fauci had struggled without success to push flu vaccines to the point where everybody was injected. You can start to get your vaccine, ideally before the end of October, but if you dont squeeze it in, go get it any time.. New South Wales has become the latest state to offer free flu shots, joining WA, SA and Queensland. However, a growing body of medical experts and researchers are raising the alarm over these unprecedented moves built on what they claim are, firstly, questionable COVID-19 virus case numbers, secondly, the potential dangers posed by the vaccines, and, thirdly, fraud. Or was it deliberately spread around the world in certain key spots at around the same time? Although no type of flu shot is recommended over others, you should speak to your doctor about . Surgeon General Jerome Adams receives a flu shot as former Cleveland Browns offensive tackle Joe Thomas looks on. Many people appear to be rushing to get the shot so that they can be free to travel or free to enter pubs, restaurants or entertainment venues, as governments edge towards mandatory vaccines and the restrictions of vaccine passports. Michael Yeadon was a scientific researcher and vice president at drugs giant Pfizer Inc. Find savings to help organize personal finances and manage debt. AMA Advocacy Insights webinar series examines key advocacy issues from the federal and state levels impacting patients and physicians. As reported in previous coverage of the pandemic in Mizzima Weekly, the COVID-19 story or official narrative began falling apart following the release of Americas health expert Dr Anthony Faucis private emails in March 2021 and the efforts of doctors, immunologists and researchers that provide a growing body of evidence that not only was the COVID-19 pandemic long in the planning but that the end game was to lock people in to a vaccine regimen rolled out by the vaccine manufacturers that will continue year after year. It is alleged that the core problems with the tests is, firstly, they dont test for what is said to be COVID-19 a virus that has yet to be isolated and, secondly, the RT-PCR cycle threshold used in most of the tests around the world was far too high, leading to a misleading number of false positives. We will definitely say, If it means you end up getting a flu vaccine and you'd rather choose a nasal spray, get that nasal spray, she added. Explore reports on this topic from the Council on Medical Education presented during the AMA Interim and Annual Meetings. Approximately 59 million people died in 2020 of various conditions including heart disease, cancer, accidents and old age. While states continue efforts for COVID-19 vaccine distribution, patients still need to navigate a sea of misinformation to address their concerns about the vaccine Dr. Wayne Grody and Dr. Tyeese Gaines share what they wish patients knew about COVID-19 vaccinations. Naturally, nobody wants to make light of the deaths of people from COVID-19. But she got serious, too. Ideally before January is whats best. Interestingly, such research and development was outlawed in the USA due to its dangers under the Barack Obama administration in 2015, but then was shifted to China. However, there is growing pushback and questions being asked about the vaccination programme. 8 things doctors wish patients knew about flu shots. People with Guillain-Barre syndrome -- a disease that results in nerve damage -- should avoid getting vaccinated as well, since respiratory illnesses can trigger an episode. }); We, need to use that hype to our advantage to get to the real issues. Its not uncommon for people to have a low-grade fever or feel a little run down for a couple of days after they get their vaccine. By Maggie Fox. It takes the vaccine a couple of weeks to generate a full immune response, so you dont have your full protection until a couple of weeks after you get your shot, she noted. }); All of the major chain pharmacies in the US -- CVS, Rite Aid, Walgreens, Walmart, Kroger -- offer flu shots at most of . But while they may get their day in court, such a process takes time and it can be argued that there is no time to be lost as people continue to line up for the shot. Dr McCulloughs claim, and the work of attorney Fuellmich, bolster the view that the COVID-19 outbreak was planned and the virus was man-made, as alluded to in the controversy that has blown up over Dr Fauci, his gain of function research, the patent paper trail, publications and meetings. USA TODAY. However, care needs to be taken with the claim highlighted in Dr Faucis attempts to cover up that COVID-19 was made in the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China as part of gain of function virus development. "We need health care workers on the line delivering medical care," Schaffner said. Someone gave them the flu, Surgeon General Dr. Jerome Adams said at a news conference. Your email address will not be published. The AMA leads the charge on public health. Glen Arnell, right, and Mindy Greene visit . They're grateful that their family doctor cares enough to understand why they feel afraid or worried about getting a flu shot. See the latest corrections to the AMA-published CPT Code Books. A few things are different for the 2022-2023 influenza (flu) season, including: The composition of flu vaccines has been updated. _ase.push(['1569569006','1569575925']); But there may be other reasons as well, yet to be investigated. Which begs the question, what would motivate these health officials, health agencies and companies and Dr. Fauci himself to lie and claim that these gene therapies are in fact vaccines when they are not? Read the House of Delegates (HOD) speakers' updates for the 2023 Annual HOD Annual Meeting. Dr. David Epstein is board-certified in pediatrics and pediatric critical care medicine with 19 years of critical care experience. Sadly, there appears to be a further twist in the story of the vaccine rollout. Vaccination rates ranged from 36 percent in Nevada to 55 percent in Rhode Island. Nevertheless, no treatment in medicine is 100% effective. Required fields are marked *. Flu killed 80,000 people this past season and put 900,000 into the hospital, making it the worst influenza season in decades, the Centers for Disease . Some in these scientific development programmes have been surprisingly open in their designs. The flu shot is made of pieces of the virus or inactivated virus, and the nasal spray is a whole virus, but its an attenuated form of the virus, so neither kind can actually give you the flu, said Dr. Kirley. The central core of the open letter is to say to . A resident has guidance to help navigate the Supplemental Offer and Acceptance Program (SOAP). Employers, tell your employees if theyre sick, stay home.. $(".mega-back-mediaresources").removeClass("mega-toggle-on"); But he alternated the jokes with a serious message: people who dont get vaccinated against flu can spread it to others. The shot can cause low grade muscle soreness and cold symptoms, which can be mistaken for early signs of the flu. How to avoid getting sick when flying. The news first came out on June 25 on a Spanish television show. jQuery(function($) { The CDC recommends that just about everyone over the age of six months get a flu vaccine every year. Given the heavy government and media propaganda used around the world to encourage people to take the shot the COVID-19 vaccine rollout continues at a pace, with over a billion people already jabbed. His claim of 62 percent relates to tests he carried out a sample of the hundreds he has provided the shots for. Health authorities and professionals encouraging people to take the vaccine including those who directly administer it are by and large sidestepping the normal protocol of providing people the opportunity for informed consent. He said thousands of . Sources: CDC, NHS, patents, vaccine manufacturers, VAERS, Yellow Card, Dr Anthony Faucis emails, US Senate hearings. Given that I have seen children on life-support with influenza and children die from influenza, there is one statement from parents that I still find baffling: We dont get the flu vaccine.. Here's what you need to know about the Dr. Sean Brooks video: 1. A key driver is the media and economics will follow the hype. by Amanda D'Ambrosio, Staff Writer, MedPage Today January 5, 2021. That trial, from the 1960s, also did not involve an mRNA vaccine, as she suggests. Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 Through Floors and Walls of Quarantine Hotel, Taiwan, 2021. They got it from someone. For months, dangerous rumors on social media have claimed that getting vaccinated against the coronavirus could hamper male and female fertility. jQuery(function($) { Influenza can kill the elderly quickly, but it kills more slowly, too. Olivia did not elaborate on her . Ludwick said she feels more protected than the public, since nurses wear gloves and wash their hands constantly. Olivia Newton John recently revealed that she has no plans to get the vaccine "at this point" in time, while managing stage 4 breast cancer. "Vaccines are the single best public health tool we have for managing influenza.". Dr. John Torres weighs in, Heres how flu kills some people so quickly, Flu on a plane! Only slightly more doctors (44%) said no . Alarm grows as researchers warn of dangers of the COVID-19 shots. LAURA INGRAHAM (HOST): Doctor, on the issue of the vaccine, tonight, Anthony Fauci, on this network, actually said that 75% of Americans are going to have to get vaccinated to reach what they call . However, the medical response to the COVID-19 threat in these countries may be being mismanaged, with an atmosphere of fear and poor health, contributing to the death figures. 10%," Carlson said. If both COVID-19 and the vaccine regimen were planned, this is shocking. }); Schaffner added that, in the midst of an influenza outbreak, it is crucial to have healthy people on hand to take care of patients. According to media, this whistleblower has allegedly claimed, under oath, that there are at least 45,000 reported deaths that have occurred within three days of receiving a COVID-19 vaccine. This vaccine requires two injections, which are given 21 days apart. But this year, Ludwick is experimenting with not getting vaccinated. But experts could be concerned about the ability of doctors and nurses who choose not to get vaccinated to talk up the vaccine to patients. The two Spanish research teams are reportedly continuing their investigations into the contents of the vials to check other lots. White House Chief Medical Adviser on Covid-19 Dr. Anthony Fauci listens as US President Joe Biden speaks about the 50 million doses of the Covid-19 vaccine shot administered in the US during an . The surprise here in the vials tested was the high quantity of graphene oxide, with Dr Delgado claiming it made up close to 98 percent to 99 percent of the contents. In the battle against vaccine hesitancy, many officials . While the numbers of flu-related illnesses/deaths have decreased markedly since that flu pandemic, influenza still imposes a significant medical threat and burden upon society. In fact, for the 2017-2018 flu season, the CDC estimated that the overall effectiveness of the flu vaccine against influenza A and B was only 40% (reducing a persons risk of needing to seek medical care by 40%). Garcia: The early data suggest the flu vaccine has performed well, and that is most likely due to the fact that the vaccine does appear to have been a good match against those strains that were spreading through the fall and winter. In fact, that is exactly what happened to me last flu season. Well you know what? The flu shot can come in a variety of forms that protect against three or four influenza strains. December 8, 2008, 2:11 PM. Consider the recent 2017-2018 flu season, for which the CDC reported that an estimated 48.8 million people contracted the flu, and 22.7 million sought medical attention, while 959,000 required hospitalization. The hospital also makes an effort to document who is not getting a flu shot on the premises and who may be getting it elsewhere or not at all. A Global News investigation shows many of these doctors are connected. However, in my clinical practice, for those who received the flu vaccine and still became sick with the flu, their clinical illness was not nearly as severe as for the individuals who did not receive the vaccine. JOHN MCAFEE FOUND DEAD IN SPANISH PRISON CELL "Young adults in the prime of their lives are being forced to take the vaccine because Tony Fauci said that," he said, contending Malone's expertise makes him "the single most qualified" person to . Ground zero in the COVID-19 monitoring process is the test to assess whether people have caught the virus. 1:30. If the recent findings of the Spanish researchers are an indication, such a regimen could well kill and injure millions of people around the world, given what is in the vaccine vials that they examined. Learn more about new COVID-19 and flu at-home test. Deadly flu killed 80,000 people last year, A record number of children died of flu this season, When should you get your flu shot? According to a growing body of health professionals, the COVID-19 vaccines are not vaccines. The sprays are only approved for ages 2 through 49, said Dr. Kirley. As Dr McCullough points out, speaking with attorney Fuellmich: Both the respiratory virus and the vaccine deliver to the human body the spike protein, the gain of function target of this bioterrorism research.. Nancy Ludwick, a registered nurse at Scripps Memorial Hospital in La Jolla, Calif., has had flu vaccinations in the past, particularly after Scripps began to require formal declination for those who chose not to receive the vaccine. 5 April 2018. Before ending the show, Faulkner asked about the importance of getting a flu shot because of the COVID-19 pandemic, to which Dr. Oz responded "It's not just a flu shot. Published Jan 17, 2018. "If a [person] is not ready to take the vaccine themselves, they are not ready to become an advocate for the vaccine among patients," Schaffner said. 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