current issues and trends in early childhood education 2022

Nicole Land, Toronto Metropolitan University and Kathleen Kummen, Capilano University, Helen Harper, University of New England; Bronwyn Parkin, University of Adelaide; Pauline Jones, University of Wollongong, and Susan Feez, University of New England, Anne-Marie Morrissey, Deakin University and Deborah Moore, Monash University, Christine McLean, Mount Saint Vincent University and Jessie-Lee McIsaac, Mount Saint Vincent University, Audrey-Ann Deneault, University of Calgary; Lorraine Reggin, University of Calgary; Penny Pexman, University of Calgary; Sheri Madigan, University of Calgary, and Susan Graham, University of Calgary, Emis Akbari, University of Toronto and Isabelle Vinet, Universit du Qubec Montral (UQAM), Natalie Spadafora, McMaster University and Magdalena Janus, McMaster University, Samantha Burns, University of Toronto; Calpanaa Jegatheeswaran, University of Toronto; Michal Perlman, University of Toronto; Petr Varmuza, University of Toronto, and Sumayya Saleem, University of Toronto, Petr Varmuza, University of Toronto; Linda A. Bilan Joseph [ Provided ] Public . Maybe just a little tired? Not to mention the onslaught of additional challenges brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic. If you run a childcare business or are considering what to expect when starting one in the future, here are five important 2022 childcare industry trends you need to be aware of. 2022 Trends In Early Childhood Education Focus on Health Protocols: With COVID-19 potentially here to stay, placing a priority on health and safety protocols - such as social distancing, using hand sanitizer, and keeping an eye out for signs of illness - will likely become more and more important in schools and daycare centers. While it proved to be an effective way to limit the spread of coronavirus, it didnt come without its own share of challenges. Maybe you talk to your partner or your friends about your fears before youre ready to get started even thinking about taking action. Early childhood education describes the period of learning between birth and when a child turns eight years old. If you use a teletypewriter ( TTY ), call 1-800-926-9105. For those educators lucky enough to find themselves at fully staffed centers, there are still a number of new stressors brought about by COVID-19, including new safety measures, check-in protocols, and more. I would pay extra attention to children reaching out to me and offer opportunities to affirm childrens responses by writing them down. : One of the best ways to address safety concerns in the workplace is to feel confident in your abilities to avoid and in the worst case deal with any issues that may arise. Educator Development & Professional Development, 5. Discover practical tips and innovative ideas for preschool teachers in our award-winning magazine. You might be wondering how we link the Code of Ethical Conduct to the change all around uslets roll up our sleeves and dive into an example that has risen to the forefront in our culture and in early childhood care and education in recent years: skin color, bias, and prejudice. The ongoing coronavirus pandemic continues to disrupt the day-to-day learning for children across the nation, bringing anxiety and uncertainty to yet another year. HRSA invests in several programs (the Early Childhood Systems portfolio) that strengthen, align, and sustain family-centered systems at the state and community levels, using the health system as a key partner. Youre definitely not aloneresearchers and thinkers in the field are doing this work alongside you, examining even our most cherished and important ideas about childhood and early education. Why doesnt Canada let schools provide childcare? You may even have spent some time diving into your own internalized biases. Degree. What was most interesting to me here was the idea of self-esteem, and how important it is to us here in the United States, or rather, how much protecting we feel it needs. What were your first thoughts when you sat back and FELT the reality of ever present change? These programs focus on the prenatal-to-age-3 (P-3) period, which is a critical window of opportunity for prevention and intervention. I asked if they had questions and I answered them honestly. Funding issues in early childhood education can also lead to a lack of resources for teachers who want to seek help. ), Maybe this plan is made along with your director and includes those parent meetings, and a timeline for having revised policies, and some training for the staff. Want to learn more about the top issues in early childhood education and how to combat them? Researchers used data from the 1968-2013 October current Population Survey to document trends in 3- and 4-year-old children's enrollment in center-based early childhood education, focusing on gaps in enrollment among children from low-,middle-,and high-income families. Realize that you are a courageous advocate for children. Its a complete tool to help you think carefully about a dilemma, a decision, or a plan, based on these values. It means we should return to our big ideas with respect and bravery and sit with them and make sure they are still the ones that serve us best in the world we are living in right now, with the best knowledge we have right now. As leaders in the field, we must learn to expect that we will be called upon to change, maybe even dramatically, over time. Throughout the day, you must balance all of their unique needs to keep your classroom functioning smoothly. Researchers and educators with the Climate Action Childhood network are generating responses to climate change alongside young children. You can influence policies, rules, choices about the tools you use, and ultimately, you can even challenge laws that are not fair to every child. But all dancers also discover their own innate grace and their inborn ability to both learn and to change; our very muscles are made to stretch, our cells replace themselves, and we quite simply cannot stand still. Children's early learning and development is closely connected across domains. These are the people you can turn to for an honest conversation, where you can show your confusion and fear, and they will be supportive and think alongside you. The educators in the classroom in China felt that it was developmentally appropriate and the children were learning not only storytelling skills but how to give and receive constructive criticism. have the potential to make disparities worse? There is an ethical imperative to support a paradigm shift in how our society values educating young children. Soyoure sold, in theory, that to do the best by each one of those children, youre just going to have to do some fancy footwork, embrace the change, and think through how to best adapt to it. NCSL conducts policy research in areas ranging from agriculture and budget and tax issues to education and health care to immigration and transportation. Changing your practice to avoid conflict with this parent means prioritizing your own momentary discomfort over the pain children of color in your program may experience over time. I would give children the opportunity to share their feelings, and talk about my own feelings. Today, early childhood education is aimed at introducing key subjects and core concepts that will be developed later in the child's educational career but there is always debate about which educational methods are the best. In conclusion, all dancers feel unsteady sometimes. Current Issues in Education is an open access, peer-reviewed academic education journal produced by doctoral students at the Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College of Arizona State University. As a leader in the field, you are called to think beyond your own practice. Excited? Staff recruitment and retention challenges arent seen in public child-care centres, where educators are paid substantially more, are unionized and have professional development opportunities. We asked ECE experts to weigh in on some of the trends they are noticing in early childhood education todayas well as what might be on the horizon. As a leader you have the opportunitythe responsibility!to look beyond your own practices and become an advocate for change. The Code of Ethical Conduct can help bring whats in your heart into your head. In the first few months of the pandemic, roughly 3.5 million mothers with school-age children either lost their job, took a leave of absence or left the labor market altogether, according to an . Engage with our policy agendas, advocacy resources, and current initiatives. I have a sad story to share. Tensions within and toward communities and individuals of color have been especially visible in the news because of the heightened impact of COVID-19 on communities of color, the highly visible police violence against black and brown men and women, and the subsequent demonstrations that took place in 2020. Sometimes its something smaller like the personal story I share belowsomething small, cuddly, and very important to the children. Who is on your team? Kindergarten teachers were tasked with adapting a hands-on, play-based curricula in a virtual environment a nearly impossible task even without parenting ones own children at the same time. You can also help set yourself apart and potentially raise your earning potential by earning a well-respected certification, such as your Child Development Associate (CDA) Credential. For instance, a key phrase that we often use to underpin our decisions is developmentally appropriate practice, which NAEYC defines as methods that promote each childs optimal development and learning through a strengths-based, play-based approach to joyful, engaged learning. The phrase is sometimes used to contrast against practices that might not be developmentally appropriate, like expecting three-year-olds to write their names or sit quietly in a 30 minute story time. Theres a wonderful graphic of children looking over a fence at a baseball game. Meek, S. and Gilliam, W. (2016). This is deeply concerning in and of itself, but the fact that preschool expulsion is predictive of later difficulties is even more so: Starting as young as infancy and toddlerhood, children of color are at highest risk for being expelled from early childhood care and education programs. All dancers wonder if this dance just isnt for them. That is especially true among children: Mental health-related emergency department visits have increased 24% for children between ages 5 and 11 and 31% for those ages 12 to 17 during the COVID-19 pandemic. Okay, surethings are gonna change, and this change is going to affect the lives of the children and families you work with, and affect you, professionally and personally. It leaves us feeling vulnerable as we reexamine the ideas, strategies, even the deeply held beliefs that have served us so far. : While parent-teacher communication will likely always be one of the problems facing early childhood education, there are things you can do as a teacher to lessen the effect it has on you and your classroom. What can you do? Early literacy involves helping 1- to 3-year-old children understand concepts such as letter knowledge, word sounds, vocabulary development, and awareness of storytelling. We read Saying Goodbye to Lulu and The Tenth Good Thing About Barney in small groups; and while these books were a little bit above the developmental level of some children in the class, many children wanted to hear and discuss the books. Download to read offline. Maybe you feel guilty because youre afraid that too many children of color have been asked to leave your program. However, research shows that this gap has not closed. Some of our top-rated safety courses include: When COVID-19 hit, schools across the country raced to adopt virtual learning environments that allowed their students to connect and engage without having to attend in-person sessions. Resources for opening yourself to personal growth, change, and courageous leadership: Resources for Thinking About Responding to Current Issues in Education. I especially like this image for those of us who work with young children. Remember that person dancing on the shifting carpet? I would read childrens books that would express feelings they might not have words for yet. As adults, they contribute to peaceful societies and prosperous economies. How so? In fact, from 2015-18 researchers found 2,396 bills, when you add child care legislation as well. These are extremely important aspects of addressing injustice in early education which you can do to alter your individual practice with children. While not all of these shootings have taken place at schools, enough have left teachers worried about their workplace safety. Early childhood education is a large and robust industry, employing over 150,000 Australians and growing at an incredible rate of 17% over the last five years ( Job Outlook ). In the field of early childhood, issues of prejudice have long been important to research, and in this country, Head Start was developed more than 50 years ago with an eye toward dismantling disparity based on ethnicity or skin color (among other things). Check out our site search. What factors impact your response? I also made sure there were plenty of other opportunities in the classroom for children who didnt want to engage in these ways, or who didnt need to. Woahhow do I respond to something so big and so complex and so sensitive to so many different groups of people? Her words gave me courage. According to a 2022 poll, nearly half of all preschool teachers admitted to experiencing high levels of stress and burnout over the past few years. This lens might help you to identify the impact of your decisions on students of color, and you can also use the lens to consider the impact on students experiencing poverty, students in nontraditional families, students with differing abilities, students who are geographically isolated, students whose home language is other than English, etc.) Early Childhood Studies: Current Issues and Trends Words: 2500 Pages: 10 Cite this Table of Contents Changing Demographics Poverty and Child Development Brain Research and Child Development Effective Use of Technology in the Classroom References Changing Demographics But if keeping ourselves safe from discomfort means that we might not be keeping children safe from very real and life-impacting racial disparity, were not making a choice that is based in our values. In addition to the NAEYC Code of Ethical Conduct and Equity Statement, another tool for addressing decision-making is an equity lens. So when history sticks its foot into our nice calm stream of practice, the waters get muddied. Flopsy had died. Celebrate young children and their families with hands-on activities encouraging movement and healthy lifestyles through music, food, and art. ChildCare Education Institute (CCEI) is the industry leader for online professional development. Which values would you lean on to decide to go part time? Its really cool that we get to do this, walk beside small human beings as they learn to traverse the big wacky world with all its potholesand it means we get to keep getting better and better at circling around, leaping over, and, yep, dancing around or even through those very potholes. Enable a sound foundation for physical and motor development of each child- as per each child's potential. We can learn to develop our critical thinking skills so that we can examine our own beliefs and assumptions, both as individuals and as a leader. The system has several elements and many problems. This study investigates Spolsky's conception of language policy as the amalgam of language beliefs, language practices and language management. Contentious school-board meetings. I can! They also expressed concerns about the children being asked to sit for this amount of time. Okay! What can you do? Whos on your team? What are the kindergarten design trends for 2022? 8:00 AM (AZ time) In fact, studies of expulsion from preschool showed that black children were twice as likely to be expelled as white preschoolers, and 3.6 times as likely to receive one or more suspensions. All educators second guess their career choices. Sometimes people use the phrase Nothing for us without us to help remember that we dont want to make decisions that affect a group of people (even if we think were helping) without learning more from individuals in that group about what real support looks like). Children see and hear the media and adult conversations, and they feel the unease, or even fear, around questions of difference. Locating early learning programs in schools provides stable programming infrastructure and allows for potential collaborations between early childhood educators and teachers. Anxious? Do your practices affirm the dignity of every child and family? While not all of these shootings have taken place at schools, enough have left teachers worried about their workplace safety. Who might be left out? Do the choices you make affirm the dignity of each unique child? Join NAEYCs team and help us advance the education of young children across the country. Child-care policy needs to be designed to ensure children have stable access to high-quality care. Though mental health has always been one of the prominent issues in early childhood education, COVID-19 has truly brought it to the forefront. Emergency Preparedness and Response Planning for Natural and Man-Made Events, Fire Safety in the Early Care and Education Environment, Indoor Safety in the Early Childhood Setting, Outdoor Safety in the Early Childhood Setting. For some families, a lack of access to technology meant they were no longer able to receive the instruction they needed. Trends and issues in education 1 of 35 Trends and issues in education Mar. Funding issues in early childhood education are another hurdle many teachers face. Do you provide alternative ways for children to engage if they have difficulty sitting in circle times? Examine your own practices in light of this change. Making it fit for purpose will take a lot of work and even more resources than those that have just been announced. Flopsy was very social, and liked to interact with children. This Spring issue of Young Children focuses on impactful practices for teacher educators and preparation programs. They might be a little dizzy, but with possibility. Stay up-to-date on issues in early childhood education and hear perspectives from a wide range of educators. 11/18/2020 In the Alliance for Early Success' most anticipated National Issues> State Action presentation to date, scholar and author Dr. Ibram Kendi spoke with the Alliance's Communications Director Stinson Liles about antiracism and early childhood policy. Broughton, A., Castro, D. and Chen, J. Fill your circles in: When you think about injustice and the kind of change you want to make, theres an important distinction to understand in the ways injustice happens in education (or anywhere else). Children enrolled in at least one year of pre-primary education are more likely to develop the critical skills they need to succeed in school and less likely to repeat grades or drop out. Leaders in early childhood care and education have an ethical obligation to value every childs unique experiences, family, and community. Ontario is creating far below the 200,000 to 300,000 early learning and care spaces needed to address the demand that will arise as parent fees decline. Early Childhood Education Journal is of interest not only to classroom teachers, child care providers, college and university faculty, and administrators, but also to other professionals in psychology, health care, family relations, and social services dedicated to the care of young children. Imagine a parent who doesnt think its appropriate to talk about skin color with young children, who tells you so with some anger in their voice. Then I talked to the other teachers. The video was of a circle time in which a child was retelling a story that the class knew well, and then the children were encouraged to offer feedback and rate how well the child had done. You are a leader, and change is happening, and you are making decisions about how to move forward, and how to adapt thoughtfully. Become a leader in your professional association. Ontarios flat fee for child care should be replaced by an income-tested fee reflecting family incomes. And now, your workplace team: who are your fellow advocates in your workplace? Look at your behavioral guidance policiesare you expecting children to come into your program with certain skills that may not be valued by certain cultures? We're turning our minds towards what's to come in 2022. While this would be troubling for any profession, its especially hard for teachers as their mood can directly impact their students ability to learn and comprehend the material. Yep. All educators make mistakes and experience discomfort. For more information on the latter, click here. Objective 2: Describe strategies for understanding current issues as a professional in early childhood care and education. We selected documents published between 1995 and 2021 in the leading educational databases, identifying 11 documents explicitly related to parental involvement in STEM education in preschoolers. Who can you reach out to when you realize something might need to change within your program? Or in informal conversations? Find a sponsorship opportunity thats right for you and help support early childhood educators, parents, and other professionals. You are courageously living your beliefs, and your actions are rooted in respect of the dignity, worth, and uniqueness of each individual your professional life touches! According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, early childhood educators earn an average annual wage of $30,210 in the United States (with the lowest 10% making just $21,900 per year). I felt relieved to have a different way of looking at my progress through my days: I wasnt flailing at allI was dancing! The day-to-day challenges you will face can range from dealing with difficult behaviors to crying and cranky children. Root yourself in the values of early childhood care and education. (instruments), or other resources in which the current document plays a part. The work of early childhood care and education is so full, so complex, so packed with details to track and respond to, from where Caiden left his socks, to whether Amelias parents are going to be receptive to considering evaluation for speech supports, and how to adapt the curriculum for the child who has never yet come to circle time. It is not just the number of words that children hear that is important the quality of the language children hear also matters. Our online courses can help! Education is constantly evolving and being reformed. 5 Current Issues in the Field of Early Childhood Education Learning Objectives Objective 1: Identify current issues that impact stakeholders in early childhood care and education. Learn about our work with governments and NGOs around the world to support young children and their teachers. Its a little different equity is having the resources needed to be successful. This would be a good set of steps to address an event like a hurricane, wildfires, or an earthquake as well. Try drawing your sphere of influence: Draw yourself in the middle of the page, and put another circle around yourself, another circle around that, and another around that. Talk them through with your teamspersonal and/or professional. He liked to be held and petted and was also playful, suddenly zooming around the classroom, hopping over toys and nudging children. How can we make sure they are included? However, these lagging countries are catching up fast, creating opportunities for local providers. Sep. 08, 2010. 15 likes 25,909 views. Responses ranged from Goodbye bunny to imagined stories about Flopsys adventures, to a description of feelings of sadness and loss. Screenless Learning Options Kids have had a lot of screen time over the past couple of years. Maybe an old teacher of your own? For children to achieve their full potential, as is their human right, they need health care and nutrition, protection from harm and a sense of security, opportunities for early learning . For example, some programs might not have the funds available to provide teachers with software that allows them to quickly send email blasts to all families. Heres what to do instead. But as a leader, and with the call to support every child as they deserve, we can develop a sort of super power vision, where we can look unflinchingly around us and understand the hidden impacts of the structures we work within. UNESCO believes early childhood care and education (ECCE) that is truly inclusive is much more than just preparation . Wow! It just means we need to remember that its built from values that may be specific to our cultureand not everyone may have equal access to that culture. Change is good because we as providers of early childhood care and education are working with much more than a set of academic skills that need to be imparted to children; we are working with the whole child, and preparing the child to live successfully in the world. SoAs a leader is early childhood, you will be called upon to be nimble, to make new decisions and reframe your practice when current events or new understanding disrupt your plans. Is the discomfort manageable? Leadership in Early Care and Education by Dr. Tammy Marino; Dr. Maidie Rosengarden; Dr. Sally Gunyon; and Taya Noland is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted. On to decide to go part time lack of resources for teachers want... D. and Chen, J, based on these values these programs focus on the prenatal-to-age-3 ( P-3 ),... Being asked to leave your program in how our society values educating young children high-quality care small cuddly... The industry leader for online professional development and even more resources than those that just. Books that would express feelings they might be a good set of steps to address an event a... To immigration and transportation stable access to technology meant they were no longer able to the! Is important the quality of the prominent issues in early childhood education describes the period of learning between birth when! 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