prodigal spouse testimonies

I have monitored your site daily since I found it, hoping you would post something new as I need encouragement . . I know my marriage is being restored; Im giving it all to him and he WILL restore it as promised in his word. Everyone on board is endangered by Jonahs sin. At first, I was a little embarrassed to share it, but I realize that was the enemys condemnation and that I need to use my testimony as God has commanded, which I hope blesses you and will help overcome and hurl down the devil as you stand for the restoration of your marriage and family (Revelation 12:10-11). And, as with Rosaria Butterfields story: God is worth the sacrifice. My heart has gone bitter. It has become hard because the enemy deceived me, and the entire time I was running, I knew it was wrong. We praise, worship, give thanks, and march our way to the battlefield, knowing all well that God will deliver his promise to us. We even think our children will be just fineanother lie. God is faithfulwe know that, so now we just have to actually believe it. At the End of the Year, Are You Just Trying to Get Attention? (After the knowledge gained from his experiences debating Nabeel, David today continues to wrestle with Muslim ideology through his ministry, Acts 17 Apologetics). 1 Corinthians 15:10. For my iniquities have gone over my head; like a heavy burden, they are too heavy for me. My guess is the parents of these three prodigals felt the same way. I know the days were hard on him too, but the strength that he drew from the Lord was the strength that I needed to come back home to. Not many days later, the wife gathered all she had and flew to the other side of the country. As we begin to think about those prodigal friends, prodigal parents, and prodigal sons and daughters, remember this one key point. Its like God is mad at me or something. Even in hard times, offer God a sacrifice of thanksgiving and keep any vow or promise you have made to Him, and see what He will do! I persisted in calling him that same day and eventually he picked up the phonehe was as cold as iceI felt frightened even listening to himhe told me.I NEVER LOVED YOUI AM SORRY WE GOT MARRIED..I FELT TRAPPED IN THIS MARRIAGE..I DONT LOVE YOU LIKE A MAN SHOULD LOVE A WOMAN..THE FEELINGS I HAVE FOR YOU IS THAT OF A GOOD FRIENDI DONT WANT TO BE WITH YOU AND YOU SHOULD GET ON WITH YOUR LIFE..IM But it helps, when we hurt, to be reminded that others are on this path too. I believe Gods word and I have much more faith now. They dont care enough to be hostile. I was deep in thought today and I want to share some of my experience as a prodigal. Thank you for sharing this. I was very unhappy in my marriage and I didnt believe I loved my husband anymore; we were always either arguing or giving each other the silent treatment. However, in the last few years, I began to feel my husband's commitment to us wavering. Thank you for your testimony, encouragement and hope. Prodigals think CRAZY things. Something that changed her life completely. My name is Crystal and Im here to let you know that with man it may seem impossiblebut with Almighty God..NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE. The captain went to him and said, How can you sleep? And I will bring them out from the peoples and gather them from the countries, and will bring them into their own land. While Susan knows this deeply wounded her son, he never talked about it much or acknowledged it bothered him. Mostly they are uninterested in anything the church has to offer. God indeed stopped me and now I am the one praying to God for my husbands heart and I am the one who wants restoration. I dont know which is harder, weekdays or weekends, they are all just Long Days. I know you think about giving up on me. When God told him, Go to Nineveh, he said, I think Ill go to Tarshish instead., God said, Go east. I am just reading this post as I an gathering every resource I can find to help me restore my marriage. But, please, dont stop! I thought I was in control and I would do as I pleased. We are two completely different people today then we were back then, so there is no reason to ever look back. Writer, musician, reader, daughter. Now, lets go to the standers side It is no accident that I am reading your post right now because these were words that I really needed. Change). My kids are in trouble. He went down to Joppa (an ancient port city just south of modern-day Tel Aviv) where he found a boat bound for Tarshish. I wanted desperately to come home in one sense, because it was the only peace I could truly find. Why cant I just move on?!. His decision was very shocking and hurtful. And Ive needed to read something like this for some time now because Ive wanted to do something to win my wife back, and people keep telling me to put her in Gods hands. And there was no higher step to takeWhy did I feel so disappointed? Chad Williams. Wow!! One would think that I above all, should know this. He knows whats coming and doesnt want you to give up. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. Thank you for your testimony. We even think our children will be "just fine"-another lie. Monday, January 26th, 2009 at 11:07 am in Seeds Of Faith. I have dreams, visions, and endless memories of you. And indeed, the first few months (perhaps years) after Rosaria chose to believe and trust in God, she lost everything her job, her friends, her students and colleagues respect, her partner, and her (old, comfortable) life. It was not until the son came to his senses that he decided to return home. He was so cheerful and sweet! The title of this article is, Prayer Secret #6 The Prayer of Agreement.. He filled my body with meat and wine, The days went by and he didnt call so on December 5th 2010.I called him..he refused to take my calls so I texted him only to be told that he wasnt interested in me and I should go on with my life.that I should never call or text him again..that was like a dagger through my heartI felt as though someone had literally ran a knife straight through my stomach and was twisting it repeatedly..but that isnt the worse yet.. Several years ago I ran across the work of a Canadian poet named Ethelwyn Wetherald who lived in the early part of the 20th century. But, for some reason, you cant stop thinking of your prodigal. What I learned: Never give up on those you love keep praying. Thanks so much for sharing your testimony. May I ask you a question? Some of them grew up in Sunday School. promising them freedom while they themselves are slaves of corruption; for by what a man is overcome, by this he is enslaved. Or where can I flee from Your presence? Im scared; Im tired; I have thoughts of ending my life to stop this pain. How else can you explain a politician who breaks the law and then lies with impunity? I truly need it as my heart is shattered over my husband leaving and being with another woman. So, you will keep fighting. Ashleys story was eventually made into a movie. What I learned: Even people who behave (very) badly are not beyond hope (including ourselves). Yet deep in the mire, with sensual swine, No matter what you may think about the way your friends are living, no matter how angry you may be at the choices they have made, the root problem is never on the outside. *Book title/movie links are affiliate links unless otherwise noted. Prodigal Spouse Testimonies Michael and Wanda, this book has really helped meI now feel I have the tools and encouragement to do what I have to do I am confident that even though my husband has moved out that God is not done with us! When you walk in the footsteps of the father of the prodig The thought of going home seemed like it would only be going backwards, and into a life that would not fulfill me. YOU HAVE BEEN CALLED INTO THIS BATTLE, AND GOD WILL BRING YOUR VICTORY IF YOU DO NOT GIVE UP!!!! Today, the family travels around the world telling their story and encouraging others in similar straits but it is a hard-won victory, one you can read for yourself in this gripping duo-biography. Satan is defeated and overcome by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of our Restored Marriage Testimonies when we stand on the power and promise of Gods Word for the restoration of our marriages and families just as declared in Revelation 12:10-11. If he had been peaceful, okay with me leaving if thats what I chose to do, and confident, I wouldnt have known what to do with the situation. prodigal spouse testimonieswhat happens if a hospital loses joint commission accreditation. Some of them you raised to love Jesus. He is a good, good God! He commands us to love even our enemies (Matthew 5:43-48). It is so wonderful to know that sharing my story gives other people such hope. We dont stop standing until we see our promise come to pass. My wife told me she wanted a divorce after twenty-five years of marriage. 2. Some were preachers. After reading your post, I am encouraged on a new level. There has been so much of Gods blessings over our marriage and family ever since that dreadful time in our lives. I am putting it all in Gods hands! If I ascend into heaven, You are there; If I make my bed in hell, behold, You are there. Its not his will for divorce. God was, but I didnt know that!! When God calls us to do something, even if we think we have many reasons not to do it, we must be prompt to do it because there is so much blessing in following Him. My husband prayed for me and was the one standing for our marriage during that time. It makes us feel horrible because we KNOW what we are doing is wrong; you dont need to tell us. It wasnt logical nor was it the woman that I had been married to the previous 10 years. God Bless you! I am so grateful that my husband found inner strength from the Lord to be able to stand for our marriage, no matter what the circumstances were. Certainly, it is well done, and the conclusion that following Gods plan for our lives is the right one, but oh, how true it is the hurt we cause loved ones when we fail to obey the Lord. God is doing Gods work in my husband. Proverbs 16:9 I thought it was the life that I no longer wanted. The storms come to get our attention. Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand firm. He has his narcotics. We may think that someone has hit rock bottom when they are still scheming a way out of their problems. Stephanie, how encouraging it is to see that the mighty hand of God was working in your life. The term "prodigal" is actually someone who "spends, or has spent, his or her money or substance with wasteful extravagance; a spendthrift." It's someone who "drives away or squanders" what they have. Gods got your number on Speed Dial. The most difficult thing God has ever asked of me has been to trust in Him, to give my husband completely to Him and to love no matter what. There is no soundness in my flesh because of your indignation; there is no health in my bones because of my sin. My marriage is falling apart. Deuteronomy 20:4 I cried DAILY AND HOURLYI felt all hope was gone.I mean how do you get someone to love you again when that person is saying I never loved you at all..YOU CANT.BUT GOD CAN. 2015 The Prodigal Spouse Moriah Shires . God, I am done standing in your way. Williams was one of the very few who managed to actually complete SEAL training on his first try. Everything we ever wanted is now within this other person and you are now the enemy; you want to rob us of our joy, you dont understand us, you dont love us; because if you did, we wouldnt have gone astray. Even if it takes many years, there is hope, and the final result may be more beautiful than you ever dreamed. Please, pray that God will give me a new heart to know him. I have learned lots during my journey of learning how to be a stander. Thats Part 1 of How God Pursues Prodigals. In Part 2 well discover that being swallowed by a great fish may be the best thing that ever happened to us. Some went on mission trips. In short..God was speaking to him all along but he was too proud to just walk back and admit that he was wrong but he wanted to so much.. We hear the ENEMYS voice louder than Gods; we have put Gods voice on mute and the enemy tells us that we will be happy if we are divorced from youthen we could be free, happy and fulfilled. Then the Lord sent a great wind on the sea, and such a violent storm arose that the ship threatened to break up. The Prodigal Wife - Heart of a Wife The Prodigal Wife I will never forget the day I arrived back home. Luke 10:19 I have had to accept my spouse is a Prodigal, affairs are not a desired direction they want to go down but a by-product of a wounded heart and . This has been an amazing journey and I look forward to seeing Gods power and might and restoration fully manifested. He can ring your phone any time of the day or night. It's really important when standing for a marriage to do everything you're able to build your faith. I am just waiting for my husband to come back, because Satan is already defeated, but its our faith that moves mountains! I am going through exactly same marriage problem like Crystal. The devil has his sleeping pills too. But I finally understand and it is only by Gods grace and lots of prayers that I still place my hope in the Lord and His promises and I believe deep down that it is not over even though it might seem that way. (LogOut/ We all know that life can turn on a dime. As we have showed you in our article titled, Bible Verses on Faith, the Bible tells us that faith the size of a mustard seed will move mountains. 2. When good student and obedient son Christopher Yuan turned his back on his family and embraced drugs, homosexuality, promiscuity, and rebellion, his mother Angela (who was struggling through a failing marriage) decided to kill herself. And even if the world doesnt want our religion, it desperately wants our prayers. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it. As you will see when reviewing her testimony below, Crystal was determined she was not going to lose her good marriage over something like this, so she stormed the throne of God asking Him to move to bring her husband back. When I feel discouraged because either I or other Christians have fallen short, I am reminded, through stories like the ones listed below, that it is not about me: Not I, but the grace of God. As we see how God deals with Jonah, well discover that God deals with us in the same way when we disobey. I too thought I didnt want to be with my husband; I thought there was no way we could work through our issues, and that he just didnt understand and that it would be better and okay for us to part. I cant escape him. Nabeel, like Rosaria Butterfield (above) had everything to lose and seemingly nothing to gain for rejecting his Muslim roots and turning to Christ. Mark 10:9 Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate. Grace is Gods instruction for you to stand. Thank you for sharing; your story is my story. I pray that God continues to uphold you in magnificent ways. I made a promise to God and to myself that WHEN he restored my marriage, I would testify and tell the world.I would share EVERY single detail no matter how shameful and embarrassing it would be, in the hope and knowledge that I would someday be able to bring some kind of hope for a hurting wife or husband who wouldve been going through what I once was. I keep pushing him farther and farther away. He didnt know how to do it and often times he was so negative and emotional that I wanted nothing to do with him. We know God is in control, and we are praying and waiting, but nothing seems to be happening. The Official Blog Site of Jeannie Remy Ministries LLC. I found Roberts prayer for Hedge of Thorns and I am bringing out the big guns now. Let your prodigal GO!!! I keep having one bad thing after another happening to me. Thank you! We are running from God, and when you act like that, we run from you too. Behold, I have given you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall hurt you. (LogOut/ What I learned: Even the greatest worldly accomplishment is empty when you are empty. My husband has cancer. Very painful to read your story. How much greater? I tried to run away from the problems I was having, but my story as a prodigal wife proves that we never really get away from things by running from them. There is a voice within every prodigal that tells them what they are doing is wrong. The world wants our prayers. He will always lead us right back to his will. My passionate spirit from breaking away. #3) A change from apathy to readiness (2 Corinthians 9:3) Prodigal spouses will be ready to do whatever it takes for restoration and peace in their relationship with God and their families. Rosaria Butterfield. Oh my word! There he could live the high life, far from the presence of the Lord. I was an example of a prodigal wife, just like so many others, who had run from my husband and abandoned my family for months at a time, just to fulfill my selfish desires. Rosaria was an English professor at a small liberal arts college, who hated the way Christians spoke against her beliefs and community. Will you pray that God grants me a new heart, and I can come to know him again? You have loved ones who are away from the Lord. This is the reason you cant give up. Psalm 139:7-10 Where can I go from Your Spirit? There is no peace, says my God, for the wicked. And when we finally realize that it doesnt matter what we see and hear about and from our spouses and their plans and lives because Gods Word and Will can NOT be thwarted, we can walk in the confidence declared in Isaiah 8:10, which says Devise your strategy, but it will be thwarted; propose your plan, but it will not stand, for God is with us. What if the father in the story had gone after his son and tried to bring him back even one day early? To make a long story shortSunday January 16th 2011.I got a text from my husband.who accidently had AGAIN on the 14th January 2011..told me he felt the same way and I should go on with my life. "Equipping and encouraging people to keep believing in Jesus", Copyright 2020 Keep Believing Ministries. God wont leave me alone! You have to get to a point where you are okay either waywith restoration or without it because you are content with GOD and his love. I cant tell you how much this ministered to me. Today Im 12 Years Sober and Still Starting Over, The Secret Thoughts of an Unlikely Convert, about to be re-released (preorder link, non-affiliate). Your sharing speaks such truth!!! This book is written by mother and son, alternating between Christopher and Angelas perspective. Its good that our heavenly Father does not Give up on His children! I think I either bought or borrowed every book on marriagewarfare.prayeryou name it .every website I could think of.. And I just wrapped my husband up and prayed what ever pray I could even verbatim from some of those same books.I became like a one man army.. At times the devil whispered in my ears and unbelief and doubt settled in.I would call my prayer warriors for encouragement and go to God crying and in a few hours would be right as rain and ready again to go up against the gates of hell for my boo. Every prodigal is shown the way out, but chooses to turn their back on what is right. Why? Consistently being received with love, consistently seeing Christ in my wife, consistently finding an attitude of unconditional forgiveness and compassion is what won the battle. Ill try to be as brief as possible but I really dont want to leave any detail matter how small, because it may be the very thing God wants to use to inspire and encourage a stander or prodigal spouse. I cant seem to get away from God. Scripture taken from New King James Version. And when you are at peace with the thought of them leaving, your blessing of restoration is on its way. Those whom I love, I reprove and discipline, so be zealous and repent. As He tells us, Come to me all you who are weary and heavy laden and you will find rest for your souls. Hes got our marriages in His hands, so we should be at peace. How many times have we returned with our head hung to our Lord, full of shame, yet found Him with open arms ready to separate our sin from us as far as the East is from the West if we only repent? document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); I am going through the same thing as crystal right now My HUSAND left over a simple argument and is talking to someone from his past told me he was done and he give up , and he's trying to blame me for our marriage , but I believe God and have faith that he will return ! So it goes. Im standing firm with my Lord Jesus Christ! We hear the ENEMY'S voice louder than God's; we have put God's voice on mute and the enemy tells us that we will be happy if we are divorced from youthen we could be free, happy and fulfilled. Dear Spouse, Its me, your lost beloved. My sense is that you knew Him when you went through your Jonah moments. But then Louis heard the message of the gospel, and turned into an entirely different person. Father, I yet am a long way off- Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Remember that God wants our marriages restored and our families healed more than we do; we just need to get out of the way and let Him work. This is the first site I have found that give me direction and guidance. Im in chains to the devil, and you are all I have right now! At first, I was a little embarrassed to share it, but I realize that was the enemy's condemnation and that I need to use my testimony as God has commanded, which I hope blesses you and will help overcome and hurl down the devil as you stand for the . But (as for me), I will sacrifice to You With the voice of thanksgiving; I shall pay that which I have vowed. All of these peoples stories have encouraged me at various points in my life, so Id like to share them with you now: Gods faithfulness is proved not by the elimination of hardships but by carrying us through them. Christopher Yuan. How else can you explain a mans reckless behavior in having one affair after another? Wow! Praying Against Strongholds Over Your Marriage, How To Bring Blessings To Your Restoration. Talent vs. Faithfulness: What is God Looking For? One day the wife said to her husband, "Give me half of all we own.". He began to party heavily with friends, and lost control of himself, so much so that he frightened his own parentsuntil he found out about God and His plans for him, and did a total 180 with his life. My husband has left again for the fifth time, claiming that hes not sure if he can love me the way I need. The enemy will do everything to destroy your stand and keep your loved one in bondage. I will give them a heart to know Me, for I am the LORD; and they will be My people, and I will be their God, for they will return to Me with their whole heart. All suffering is worth it to follow Jesus. They can do without our sermons, but they cant live without our prayers. Get up, Jonah. I had reached my mountaintop, onlythe view disappointed me. Prayer to Heal Broken Relationships. I pray I find a way to have God move on my behalf. And The Prodigal Perspective always bears witness to and confirms Isaiah 57:20-21, which declaresBut the wicked are like the tossing sea, which cannot rest, whose waves cast up mire and mud. I had built my life around my husband and now he was goneI felt like I lost the better part of me..I couldnt eat.I couldnt eat .I didnt want to socialize and I forced myself to go to work..but God had a plan.even though all seemed lostGod was turning my situation around even as I was hurting..what the devil meant for evil God was turning around for good. It was all working out like he had planned. The people of the world say to us, Cant you see what is happening? Here is her word-for-word testimony, and then I will point out a few key things she did to get God to move on this extreme situation. Any amount will help! Its all a LIE, but we dont know that. Revelation 3:19 In the story Jesus told, the father waited for his son to return and then ran to meet him when he was still far from home. The world doesnt care about our religion, but the world wants us to pray. James 1:8 says that a double minded man is unstable in all his ways, and unstable is exactly where your spouse is. My story has so many things in common with all here. He knows how to put us to sleep while the world crashes in around us. Copyright by Michael Bradley and Chris Bradley, Prayer Secret #6 The Prayer of Agreement., When People Let You Down: Dealing with Disappointment. People sometimes ask, Do you think God can speak to me today? I tell them, Dont worry about it. God bless you as you continue to heal with your husband and family. Sometimes we just need to be encouraged. For the Lord your God is he who goes with you to fight for you against your enemies, to give you the victory. When we asked about the spiritual temperature of the region, the pastors said that while most people didnt go to church, it wouldnt be right to call them hostile. Remember I wasn't rooted in God so my prayers wasn't as flowing as other people but everyday I gain more and more strength and my faith began to soar..I prayed that God would soften my husband's heart and remind him of the love we once sharedI asked God to send Godly people in his life to speak to him even when I couldn't and God heard me. As the poem reminds us, we may be in church every Sunday, smiling and singing and going through the motions, with rebellion deep in our hearts. We already have an article on how powerful of a strategy this is with the Lord. As my husband led me through the front door, colorful balloons and handmade signs adorned the living room wall. But he said to me, My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness. Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me. Ephesians 6:13 All the sailors were afraid and each cried out to his own god (vv. I know because I cant quit thinking about you and what Ive done to you. But forgiveness is not something we can (or want to) muster up on our own. It seems so boring and mostly irrelevant, which is why this Sunday and every Sunday most people will not be in any church anywhere. Prodigal spouses who are truly repentant will express genuine thankfulness to God and their deserted spouses for what they've done. Or night other side of the day or night in your way a violent storm arose that the hand. 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