john 21 sermon illustrations

The disciples did not have a lot of instructions to follow while they were waiting for Jesus to come and give them further direction. John 21:15-17 Waiting on Jesus John 21:1-14, It is necessary to learn to __________ on the Lord for His direction in life (Ps 27:14; 37:7), Goal oriented people find it frustrating to have only minimal ___________ without specific tasks to do, God is never in a __________. What was Johns response to the great catch of fish? Sermon Notes: Healing a Paralytic at the Pool of Bethesda, Sermon: Overcoming Challenges to achieve the Goals of Year 2011, Sermon Notes: Jesus Turns Water into Wine, Fathers Day Sermon: Qualities of a Godly Father. He was introduced to Jesus by his brother, Andrew. He saith unto him, Feed my lambs. Yet the principle of obedience to the mission of God, whatever it entails, remains as the basis for continuing in the joy of Christs love. Quick to throw in the towel. Jn. That is a lesson for all of us and it is a hard lesson to learn. Peter believed he was a failure and useless to the Lord. My goal and your goal should be to seek first Gods kingdom and His righteousness and let Him take care of our needs. In order for Peter to be the very best fisher of men, John also started to follow, and noticing Him out of the corner of his eye, Simon asked, Lord, what about him? (John 21:21). God is speaking to you right now. We are to rest in the Lord and wait patiently for Him (Psalm 37:7). By focusing on this truth, Jesus brings out the underlying question in Christian service. John 21:2, Denomination: read more, Denomination: Then he and the other disciples are invited to join Jesus for What did Jesus actually feed them? I also reflects on the fact that much more could have been written about the Lord They went forth, and entered into a ship immediately; and that There was a time when Peter was like a sheep, wandering aimlessly, without any direction in life. 1. Windows XP has been deprecated by Microsoft. Jesus gives Peter a 2nd chance, challenging him to be devoted to serving Him (15-17) V. Jesus predicts Peter will be martyred (18-19) VI. read more, Denomination: Success with Gods Wisdom and Power John 21:6-8. But it can prevent us from living up to our full potential. Is your name being called? Galatians 2:20; Galatians 5:24). It bothered him, however, to see there was only one pair of footprints in the sand in the most difficult times of his life. Though Jesus body had new qualities, like being able to enter a closed room, He was flesh and bone and not a spirit. I am sure what occurred reminded them of a similar incident recorded in Luke 5. It was announced by the angel to Salome, Mary the mother of James and the other women who had gone to the tomb that first resurrection morning. read more, Scripture: He was now in Galilee to await the Lords further instructions. We're glad you found us! John 21:15 So when they had dined, Jesus saith to Simon Peter, Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou me more than these? I am simply a steward of them. Or are you falling back to the old worldly patterns of life and priorities? Why dont they recognize Jesus? What does the Bible say about using pirated software? If I were to mention the names of certain disciples to you and ask you to write down the first word that comes into Bill Thomas. Jesus. God is not like that. It is Peter that is the first of the twelve to whom Jesus reveals Himself (Luke 24:34). Peter is devoted to Jesus. He was walking on the beach with the Lord. Control? I am not suggesting that anyone follow Vassars eccentric style. Whoever has my commands and obeys them, he is the one who loves me (John 14:21; cf. Whatever happens to your fellow believers, whether they have a more comfortable lot in life is not your problem. Simply click the Signup button below and the discount will be applied. When it happens remember that the God who called you is faithful (1 Thessalonians 5:24). WebTake the story of Helen, for instance. In John 21:3 Peter says I am going fishing. Yes, it is needed for getting along in this life, but my God owns the world, so financing things is no problem for Him. The crucifixion of Jesus crushed his spirit and made him skeptical, but seeing Jesus in the flesh risen from the dead reversed all that. Do You Really Love Jesus? Peter had denied Jesus three times. He wants to restore you at this very moment. How we see him, effects how he can respond to us. The Nilavarai area in the Jaffna district is very popular among tourists because of a certain natural underground water well. Simon Peter was extremely devoted to Jesus. The risen Savior made an appearance to Jesus and other III Moriah, Paul had his Damascus road and Peter had his encounter with Jesus on the Sea of Galilee's shores. Nathanael means, God has given. He is also referred to as Bartholomew, meanings son of Tholmai. He is from Cana of Galilee, which is only about five miles NNE from Nazareth where Jesus grew up. He does not want us bogged down with the things that everyone else thinks is so important such as money, possessions, fame and power. The purpose of the long list of prophecies Jesus fulfilled was to prove His identity and assure us of the truth of His promises. He wants our focus to be on His kingdom and His righteousness and so He promises that if we will put those first, He will take care of the rest (Matthew 6:33). He was stretched out on a cross, and crucified upside down. We're glad you found us! Peters reaction here is understandable for anyone who hates waiting. Show Video John It will mean the surrender of our lives in loving submission to His will (Mark 8:35; Mark 10:21; Matthew 16:25; Matthew 10:21; Luke 9:24; Luke 14:33; Luke 18:22). Evangelical/Non-Denominational, Catch Anything? It is at this point that John now realizes who was instructing them. Sometimes we feel the same way. he can be our healer, savior, provider, way maker etc. breakfast! Hebrews 12:5-11, ***************************************************************************. He said he would meet my needs. You must follow me (John 21:22). When the disciples get their boat to land, Jesus has a fire kindled and some fish frying over it. The disciples rushed to the shore the moment they recognized Jesus, (John 21:7-8). Christs obedience to the will of the Father who sent Him was the example of what perfect love means. The Importance of Preparation in the Ministry of Preaching. Methods of witnessing are variable, and have no virtue in themselves. Then he became lax and stopped coming to the services. I can have an open hand for their usage to advance the kingdom of God. Throwing caution to the wind, they lived like those who already reckoned themselves to be dead dead to sin, dead to the world, but alive unto God. When we are not sure what to do or things are not working out the way we had wanted, our tendency is to go back to our old ways and habits. Jesus came along the shores of the Sea of Galilee and called them to follow Him and He would make them fishers of men (Matthew 4:18-22). Consider that when Jesus was crucified, He fulfilled a host of prophecies, but its purpose was to be the substitute sacrifice for mans sins so that we could be forgiven and reconciled to God as our redeemer. Do the things of God fill your mind in your daily walk? Before you go we would like to offer you a 25% DISCOUNT to the annual membership. II 28:10), Simon Peter _____________________________________________________, Thomas (Didymus twin) _____________________________________________________, Nathanael _____________________________________________________, The Sons of Zebedee are James and John ____________________________________________________, Two Others who are not identified _____________________________________________________, The maximum time they would have waited is _______________ it was probably much less than that, Peter gets fidgety and returns to ___________ fishing, with the others joining him, While it was not wrong to make their time productive, this was their old job and _________Jesus gave them, At least three of them were professionals fishing in their home waters, but they caught _____________, Distance ___________Jesus identity, but they answer His negative question succinctly with respect anyway, Jesus question pointed out they had ________- you cannot succeed in Gods kingdom by your own abilities, The tendency is to return to old habits / ways of life, but living in a way that does not ______on God is bad, The Christian life is simple in principle, but difficult in _________because it is against our innate sinfulness, The Christian life is to focus on _____________ God and serving Him as He makes you more like Jesus, Money? How men and women respond to His claims becomes the crucial question in determining human destiny. Baptist. After all, were not the men on an errand of mercy? Apart from Mary Magdalens testimony (John 20:11-18), he has recorded 3 different encounters (John 20:19-22; 24-29) the disciples had with the risen Lord. John 16 records that Jesus told them that He would send the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth, that would guide them into all the truth and disclose the Fathers will to them. Showing an interest in their occupation, He asks about their catch. Explain. But sometimes it takes obedience to see his presence clearly. Personal Power John 21:3-5 We do not know how long they waited in Galilee, but it could not have been very long. These illustrations are based on John 21:1-19. 6 And He said to them, Cast the net on the right-hand side of the boat, and you will find [a catch]. They cast therefore, and then they were not able to haul it in because of the great number of fish. Unfaithful. Often when we lead souls to Christ we worry about the One day as he tried to share the Gospel with a lady, she cut him off and would not accept a tract. Soon the two children were wheeled into the operating room Mary, pale and thin; Johnny, robust and the picture of health. I enjoy watching TV in my leisure. (845)-298-8481, Resolving to Live Better- Selected Scriptures. reminded of the power and the authority of the Lord Jesus with a very large If this content was helpful to you, please consider leaving your feedback in the comments section at the bottom, and sharing it with friends and family via email and social media, or both. Bible Studies But when you looked at his face, you would have to say that was pure love. Watch our tutorial. 3Simon Peter said to them, It is our relationship with Him that is the priority, and not all the things we accomplish. We are toWait for the Lord; Be strong, and let your heart take courage (Ps. This one shows His care & provision, Jesus cares for all His disciples and promises to provide as we _____________His kingdom & righteousness, KIDS KORNER Parents, you are responsible to apply Gods Word to your childrens lives. Peter was married and had a home in Capernaum where he and Andrew had worked as fishermen. other disciples decided to return to the familiar haunts of the fishing boat. _________________________________. asked Peter if he loved Him, Peter answered Jesus question in John 21:15 by telling Him that he did love Him. That has led others to consider that they could be any of the other disciples (Matthew, James the Less and Simon the Zealot), but since John has not identified them, we do not know. Finally each of us must answer for ourselves. Join the tens-of-thousands of pastors who benefit from the best preaching resources. How hard is it for you to wait for the Lords direction? It is even more true if they have not done well. 28). Its hard to say what crossed their minds at that moment. WebJohn 21 Outline: I. WebJohn 21:1-14 (Sermon Notes) This sermon by Richard Higginson is part of " Work in Worship ," a collection of material for work-themed services compiled by David Welbourn. John 2:1-11 2:1 On the third day there was a wedding in Cana of Galilee, and the mother of Jesus was there. A week later Jesus revealed Himself again to His disciples, but this time Thomas was also present, and he exclaimed, My Lord and my God, as his skepticism was overwhelmed by the evidence. He was a person who was up front and honest. Webthe resurrection, Jesus had a stunning interlude with Peter. For little Johnny, in his naivete, actually thought that in giving his blood to his sister he was giving up his life. (See: The Resurrection of Jesus), We know only a little of what Jesus said to the disciples on these occasions. He knows our struggles, (Hebrews 4:15) We need to remind ourselves of that constantly. Perhaps that is an indicator that they had been humbled by their nights futile work. The Christian is to desire to see the power of God manifested, and so like Paul in 2 Corinthians 12:9, they should rather boast in their weaknesses that the power of God may dwell in them. His mission in the flesh now accomplished, Jesus tells His disciples to take care of those for whom He gave His life. He will accomplish His will in His own way in His own perfect timing, Gods priority is our _____________ with Him and not the tasks we do, This occurs after Jesus post-resurrection appearances in _______________, Jesus had already _______________the Disciples to go out and given them the Holy Spirit (John 20:21-23), They are at the Sea of Tiberias (Roman name for Sea of _______) waiting for Jesus as instructed (Mt. Ineffective. It is also a lesson for us. That is especially true if they are fishing an area they know well. This was an extremely large catch as indicated by the comment added that the net was not torn. John 21:18-24. a sermon bringing attention to the fact that Jesus responded to how he was perceived. Someone with the heart of Christ must go to them, tell them the Gospel, and lead them to the fold of salvation. The giving of Himself for us precludes any rival to our devotion. In the same way Jesus checked out the heart of Peter, He speaks to us to check us out. They answered Him, his future death. And then he is Narrated by Myron L. Morris, M.D., in Coronet, November, 1948; and retold by Robert E. Coleman, The New Covenant, (Colorado Springs: NavPress, 1984), pp. That is every time we fail We need to remember failure is not lethal because the Bible shows our failures can never come between us and our God. In the same sense of obedience, there is a cross for all who would follow in His steps (Matthew 8:34; Matthew 16:24; Luke 9:23). However, there is a problem when you have been given a new job and you return to the old one. The charcoal fire connection in 21:9. Jesus had trained them to spread the good news about the kingdom of heaven and to rely on Gods provision for their needs (Matthew 10). A few years ago I was gripped by the account of those five missionaries who were killed while seeking to make contact with the Auca Indians in Ecuador. From ideas on sermon topics to how to develop church growth to insight on ministry life, Preaching helps pastors develop every area of life and work in ministry. Isnt that where the issue rests with us all? John 21 FOR HIS OLD FRIEND, SIMON PETER. However, in his first comeback fight Tyson knocked out his opponent Peter Mcneeley within 86 seconds! catch of fish. the past, there were no fish to be caught! Peter! It needed to be. Welcome! I. El Fracaso de Pedro Thomas was also a very devoted disciple of Jesus, but he was given to despondency (John 11:16). Love for Christ, you see, cannot be self-Contained for it comes from God, and thereby reflects something of His own nature (1 John 4:7-8; cf. Position? 1 After these things Jesus manifested Himself again to the disciples at the Sea of Tiberias, and He manifested [Himself] in this way. Fame? He would teach them the lesson, but He also knew they were tired and hungry and He met that immediate need too. Not content to leave the issue, however, Jesus asks again, Simon, son of John, do you truly love me? Receiving the same answer, Jesus makes a similar application (John 21:16). Remember that at least, Peter, James and John had been professional fishermen. He was a student of the Old Testament and had at first doubted that Jesus could be the Messiah since he was from Nazareth. There is good reason to ask. Jesus relationship with God is as a member of the eternal triune Godhead, but they would now share in an intimacy with God they had not known before. needed to be publicly restored by Jesus so the other disciples will later No one could do that work but the perfect man, and it has been finished once and for all. He is all we need, if we see him as such. Are you becoming more like Jesus or your next door neighbor? read more, Scripture: 12-14 - The Disciples are Nelson Price is right on point when he makes this statement, JESUS CHRIST often endures our embarrassing abuse, denial, and betrayal only to come back compassionately to restore us to an even more meaningful love The Gospel of John is about the divinity of Christ. Our text says that Jesus prayed for all who would call upon His name to be one, and a watching world would be drawn to believe in Christ (John 17:20-21). Welcome! The giving of Himself on the cross was the climax of that commitment. 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