going to a male gynecologist

I'm uncomfortable enough seeing a female gynecologist, and hell, I'm pretty terrified of even regular doctor's appointments, so I'm really not looking to add any extra discomfort to the situation. Data not found. Parents dont take kindly to kids returning home with scribbles. No matter the gender Im just glad you have someone youre comfortable around! I moved states before my one month check up, so I found a woman OB here. A second time, meanwhile this poor nurse is standing there looking at me with compassion. "I've had to fist people on several occasions post birth to stop heavy bleeding. "It can be a little more difficult to have a family life due to the hours which are definitely hectic (I know some people tend to shy away from OBGYN if they are worried about having a family life), but can be manageable depending on where you practice," reveals one doctor. For many OB-GYNs, the job is much more hands-on. And for those times when you do want to feel a bit more polished, add these overnight beauty products to your regular routine. Other yearly health assessments can include mammography, colonoscopy, blood pressure monitoring, immunizations, and advice about calcium and folic acid intake. She said we have to take it out soon or it might puncture my uterus and that is not something we want. These are the signs to look for, an astrologer says. "First is just how the patient is doing. If a guy asks you if he can give you his number, rather What is your one cooking tip that you learned in your life? They can also become involved with other surgical conditions, such as small bowel obstruction. Instead of explaining my year-long editorship with the paper and my lessened involvement since finding my niche in other publications, I retorted, Its kinda creepy that you know that, and shot a glance over my right shoulder. It's not my preference, but they've done just fine work. A gynecologist should be certified and registered with a professional body, such as the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG). Once, I had an urgent situation with a UTI (if youve been there, you know theres no waiting), and I had to see a male gyno. I am so happy you had such good luck with him! You may also have certain exams and vaccinations. Then he gave me the roughest internal exam I've ever had as a 33 year old woman. . Here's everything you need to know about what he or she is really thinking. How hard is it to become a gynecologist? Well, for one, their education is one of the hardest to go through; four years of medical school are followed by four or six years of residency (which is longer than in many other areas of medicine), says Howe. Because ob-gyns are also surgeons, the curriculum is especially rigorous. I have only seen her once and already trust her more than any of my previous OBs. Personally if I needed to go to a gynecologist and found out the practitioner was a male I'd be uncomfortable and probably wait for a female just as that would make me more comfortable! Doc basically fell over himself apologizing when he realized he had my sexuality down wrong. (out loud) Sure. (out loud) English and French. How are you going to inspect my vagina when you dont even have one?? I have an appointment next week with a male gynecologist and I am very nervous. An obstetrician is a kind of gynecologist who specializes in pregnancy and childbirth. 30 years of gyno visits. I think there is this idea that male OBGYNs go into it because they wanna look at lady parts, or the idea of "Ew, why would any man want to become a proctologist and look at butts all day?" But I dont wear a wedding ring, kept my maiden name, and look really young. I've heard a lot of experiences from women who had other women as doctors and were very dismissive about things in ways men are not, essentially telling the patient that they should suck it up and deal with it, it's not that bad and all women have to deal with the problems, etc. Literally never encountered a male gynecologist anywhere. I didnt bitch about her not knowing how it felt to have a pair of balls between your legs. Please! One was upwards of 4cm large. Anonymous Male Gynecologist: Alright, so when was your last appointment? (n.d.), Your first gynecologic visit (especially for teens). I'm pretty sure I'd say something dumb while he was down there, like, "Sooo, are you a Lakers fan?". I've had male gyns in the past -- in military hospitals, that's more common. Youre a man and youre a gynecologist. I'm equally uncomfortable at the gynecologist's office whether they are a man or woman. Where I am, all male doctors must be accompanied by a female nurse if there's any kind of exam beyond eyes / nose / throat stuff. Any new stressors, life changes, how's their mood, happiness, etcetera.". Female OBs in general have a stereotype of being "overworked bitch goddesses" and I feel like it can carry through to portions of their physical exam too. A.M.G. It was awkward but hey shes qualified and paid to do that! Let's face it, ladies. #mechanic #mechanicsteve. That said, it remains a fact that women will continue to choose their doctors and other practitioners based on a variety of reasons. But not every woman who walks into my room is comfortable. navigator.sendBeacon('https://www.google-analytics.com/collect', payload); Im sorry that your examination, the small talk etc. I shot a look at Denise in the corner. He was well-dressed, clean-shaven, and wore a wedding band. "To anyone thinking that they may be getting cut short by their own gyn visits, keep in mind this whole process typically takes like 10-15 minutes at most," says one doctor. Was I being prejudiced? Turns out I had polycystic ovaries for what seemed like quite a long time and the birth control was masking it. I promise I dont stalk my patients.. She sent me for an ultrasound just to be sure since I haven't had a check up yet. A 5-year research project suggests that women are less likely to survive cardiac arrest than men in part because they tend to receive tardy, Knowing what the inside of a vagina looks like can help people understand vaginal health. No way would a baseball sized cyst grow in THREE MONTHS. Whats one secret about your job What's the grossest thing your partner does but you just Women of Reddit, what are the No-go places for dates? I had no idea that a husband stitch is a thing until reading your post. issues relating to pregnancy, fertility, menstruation, and, problems with tissues that support the pelvic organs, including ligaments and muscles. Now my most recent experience back in my home state. If any of these checks are painful, let your health care provider know pain may indicate a problem. No more hormones for me, I don't want them. I asked to see a woman for a reason. For many OB-GYNs, knowing that their patients are happy makes the whole job worthwhile. He was super dismissive and interrupted me multiple times when I tried to explain my symptoms. A gynecologist treats patients with female reproductive organs, whether or not they identify as women. When he entered the room, I avoided making eye contact with Anonymous Male Gynecologist as he shook my hand. Although IUDs increase a person's likelihood of having PID, the risk is very low. But it does make a good story. Check. I relaxed my cervix but he said it rejected it and roughly tried to put it I. What awful experiences!! While many women do have gender preference in their doctors or midwives, a study done by the American College of OB/GYNs (ACOG) says that most women don't have a preference in a man or woman. Sent me on my way after a blood test and ultrasound appointment. "I remember having to remove a retained tampon during my residencyI still remember [the nurse] telling me to double glove the left hand and after removing the tampon to grab it with the double gloved hand, remove outer glove and 'seal' it to prevent the smell from getting worse. A few years older than my mom, she still seemed hip enough to drink mimosas while discussing the pains of childbirth, the trials of menstruation, and the perfect sex positions guaranteed to result in the big O., Having picked up great vibes from Sheri and Denise I was pretty excited to continue talking girl code to my doctor. The only time it'd be weird is if they made it weird, then I'd request a new doctor cause current one was being unprofessional. If your gynecological visit feels rushed when compared to your annual physical, don't be surprised. I would be fine with a male gyno, or any male doctor, but I think this is largely due to the fact that my very first doctors in childhood were men so it was normalized for me at a young age. So there exists some patriarchy in the gender distribution of doctors in different specialities.Not many men take up gynaecology these days, but the ones that have taken up the field have good reason to do so and are quite motivated for the right reasons. Though I had studied the female body in textbooks, nothing prepared me for the sight of the body of my first female patient. In addition to the money, a lot of the appeal of being an OBGYN is that Obstetrics is pretty much the only medical field where your patients want to see you and are excited to be there, because they are happy about being pregnant and having a baby. Its about 50 50 with of them I find. Youve got to get your feet in the stirrups, hon. I cringed at the number of times the work stirrup had been spoken in the past 30seconds, but praised myself for the foresight to kick Denise out of Girls Club half an hour earlier. WebUsually, your primary care provider can manage most screening procedures and will have a good referral resource if a specialist is needed. I think the lesson to be learned from this is: Speak up when you feel uncomfortable! This means that fully qualified, board-certified gynecologists have spent 9 years training and gaining experience in their field. with a straight face when the words breast and examination came out of his mouth. Most OB-GYNs are not titillated by the sight of yet another body. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. If a female patient is alone with her male doctor, she has the option and the right to request a female observer if she would like one," reveals one OB-GYN. You can find out what to expect at future visits and get information about how to stay healthy. All Rights Reserved. I actually had to back off from one because my parents had told the girls family I was a heart specialist. (2015, March), How Viagra became a new 'tool' for young men, The amazing story of hepatitis C, from discovery to cure, Ankylosing Spondylitis Pain: Fact or Fiction, http://www.acog.org/About_ACOG/Find_an_Ob-Gyn.aspx, http://www.aoafamily.com/home/news-topic.php?newsid=195, http://www.facs.org/education/resources/residency-search/specialties/obgyn, https://www.bls.gov/oes/current/oes291064.htm, https://www.acog.org/About-ACOG/ACOG-Departments/Annual-Womens-Health-Care/Well-Woman-Recommendations, http://www.acog.org/Resources-And-Publications/Committee-Opinions/Committee-on-Gynecologic-Practice/Well-Woman-Visit, http://www.nichd.nih.gov/health/topics/womenshealth/conditioninfo/pages/whatconditions.aspx, http://www.nichd.nih.gov/health/topics/obstetrics/conditioninfo/Pages/default.aspx, https://www.acog.org/Patients/FAQs/Your-First-Gynecologic-Visit-Especially-for-Teens, Study in humans confirms link between Parkinson's and gut bacteria imbalance, Multiple Sclerosis (MS): Stem cell treatment may prevent worsening of symptoms, Lifestyle factors may help prevent many inflammatory bowel disease cases, Why a history of obesity may increase macular degeneration risk. To become a gynecologist, an individual must study 4 years at medical school, followed by a 4-year obstetric-gynecology residency program. Males can store and retrieve thousands of pornographic images. Worst pain of my life. Oh great, so now stalking was on my mind. The constant presence of women in my life is an issue. To discover more amazing secrets about living your best life, click here to sign up for our FREE daily newsletter! Once I was situated, A.M.G. didnt go that well in this particular encounter with a male gynaecologist, even though he followed all that needs to be done by the book. Hed done a fine, professional job, so maybe it was my fault for being uncomfortable. This office was a group of OBGYNs spread over a few offices, that I went to for maybe 2-3 years at the time and was usually seen by the lovelies woman. Learn more. How can you touch all those women and come and touch me, she would say. document.addEventListener( 'DOMContentLoaded', function() { Your story made me giggle :). Why didnt you bring in ACOGs policy statement which explicitly says that invasive examination of female genitalia is not required to prescribe contraceptives established as OTC safe since the 1980s? I don't assume they're all perverts or anything, but I can't imagine ever being comfortable seeing one. Love men socially of course. } else { He was so gentle, I couldnt even believe it. SOMEONE KILL ME NOW. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. shook my hand, wished me luck on my interview, and I braced myself for the inevitable See you next year! which, to my great relief, didnt come. It was awful and almost caused my partner and I to break up. I know many women are pleased with their male gynecologist, but here's why amale gyno just ain't happening for me: He's still a man. Well thats good, I responded, feeling slightly like a jerk, but not bad enough to apologize since I was already in a pretty demeaning position as it was. And when outcomes are poor (which is almost never because of something I did not because I'm perfect but because most emergencies are spontaneous, not iatrogenic), generally speaking you get to be a source of support for the patient which is also nice," says one doctor. Not to mention the idea that as a man he cant understand emotions around sex.. Wow, you are a very immature young woman. said from between my knees. 4 Easiest Fish Species to Keep In Your Apartment, 5 Valuable Lessons For All New Dog Owners, Why Traveling as a Solo Female Should Be on Your Bucket List, 6 Destinations That Will Help You Find Yourself Through Mindful Traveling, Ways You Can Help Your Community in Uncertain Times, 41 Charities to Donate to on Giving Tuesday to Make the Next Decade Better. Some of us don't care. As long as he isn't doing anything inappropriate "down there," what difference does it make? I'm sure he's seen one before. Fortunately, she doesnt know that many of her friends are my patients. Already beet red with embarrassment at the fact that the first boob action I was getting in a year was from a man in a lab coat and latex gloves, I promptly decided to let Anonymous Male Gynecologist absorb all of the awkwardness in the room. Seeing all that they go through has made me respect them. ae0fcc31ae342fd3a1346ebb1f342fcb. "I was assigned to the women's health area when we had a lady come in with a washcloth shoved in that region. Youre a man and youre a gynecologist. Ive stopped listening to her. Omg, SAME! My initial thought was, damn, this will make a great story; my second, why do male gynecologists exist?? Said everything was perfectly normal and sent me on my way. "When I deliver a baby to a family who really wants that baby, man, the feels." : So when was your last menstrual cycle? But for some women, period pain goes beyond cramps and can be incredibly severe. We're Polish, and live (I moved to a new state, recently) in a town that has many, many Polish people. They assist in the diagnosis and treatment of a wide range of I dont let them get away with it any more. Unfortunately, playing doctor probably isn't your only annoying habit causing stress in your relationships. When it comes to talking about sex, girl code is everything. He should be with you shortly., Two things happened when Denise shut the door. A.M.G. But I've had female obgyns since that I've loved. years of maturity (admittedly, not very much to begin with) to look at A.M.G. I'm pretty sure he got into being an OBGYN for the babies and is simply unphased by spending a lot of time with people's genitals. An important way for guys to take care of themselves is to have a physical examination when they become sexually active. You can also learn to do a testicular self-exam from your health care provider. When I go to her office, all we need are tapas and a DJ, and it's like a girls night out. Gynecologists are doctors who specialize in womens health, with a focus on the female reproductive system. I just feel that a female doctor can relate better, she has essentially the same anatomy as me. When female relatives come home, they are self conscious. What a joke. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Even if its scary at first, visiting the gynecologist is an important and enlightening experience. Not just academic writing, but also lifestyle pieces that I really enjoy. I would never be comfortable with it. Thank you, friend. Also, I was genuinely fascinated by gynaecology. But not every woman who walks into my room is comfortable. All I could think was, Youre a man. I've been wondering about this for a while. Freshly showered? gave me the run down of the vaginal examination. Since somewhere you mentioned he was a resident, Id cut him some slack and hope hell be more comfortable and make his patients feel less awkward as years go by. And, duh, why would you ask a man about female health care if you could talk to a woman? Was guided by ultrasound by a lovely nurse who was talking to me the entire time, trying to take my mind off of it. Its pointless (USPSTF could not endorse, American Cancer Society says no and youre way too young to have an issue). My gyno's chill. He left the room while I undressed and donned the cotton smock and got situated on the examination table. I did not speak as I was scared my voice would wobble. Male gynos have outsmarted the bankers and engineer dudes; they get to look at va-jay-jays daily and get paid for it. Check. Make Your Own Advent Calendar & Christmas Memories, Im An Employed, Functioning Adult Who Cant Make Small Talk, 12 Things Every Girl Who Sheds A Lot Will Understand, The 11 Best Lines from my Childhood Diaries, The Science Behind the Taste and Aroma of Coffee, Food Sensitivities to Be Aware About in Your 30s, 11 Tips to Help Maintain a Healthy Digestive System, How to Go From a Takeout Queen to Home Cook Pro, Signs Youre Ready to Progress Your Therapist Career to the Next Level, Dont Miss Out On These Personal Touches When Building Your Business. My first female gyn was rude and basically accused me of lying about being a virgin. "Having decent hygiene is appreciated more than anything else," says one doctor. I guess one really good exemplar, while not specific to the precise question, was a breast exam with a male doctor. Some trans men have trouble finding a health care provider who understands their needs. 2023 . I went home and cried and had to take ibuprofen all night to ease the pain and was spotting too. Positive IUD insertion experience after a bad one - GET A Has anyone ordered birth control online? Options include gynecologic oncology, pediatric gynecology, and maternal fetal medicine, among others. WebCramps, breast soreness and headaches are just a few of the most common menstruation symptoms. 1. Disclosure: Some Literally, Darling posts may contain affiliate links. My friends are just as ill-informed as I am and my sisters and I hold a Dont ask dont tell policy when it comes to one anothers love lives. You can ask questions about your body, growing up, and sex. xhr.open('POST', 'https://www.google-analytics.com/collect', true); I Feel Like a Woman! sounded in my head like a victory march. Why are women less likely to survive cardiac arrest than men? I'm not comfortable talking to a man about some things and, while I probably need to get over that, I don't want my health to suffer in the process. I personally prefer male gynaecologists. I find that they tend to generally be more sympathetic of my (many) gynaecological problems, and more like Is that still the case? I was still mad she betrayed the girl code and thought it was a waste of resources to have two people do the job of one woman. The OB was an older Polish man, and the experience was just very awkward. routine medical care for most women, but even after years spent in the stirrups, many patients are still apprehensive when it comes time for their annual appointment. A safe topic of discussion. Check. All of the answers so far have yet to address the fact that there ARE doctors, including gynecologists, who sexually assault or abuse their patient They dont understand that this is the best children can do at this age. Ain't no thing. Maybe I'm immature, but little things like that would definitely make me cringe. Just like a person with a penis might feel more comfortable going to someone else that has the same parts. And wouldnt you know it, every time Ive gotten the switcheroo Ive been disappointed by the male doctors bedside manner. A.M.G. Just because theyre wearing white coats doesnt mean you have no voice. The birth control, over the course of a year and some months, did not work out for me. Don;t know. I am a man and if I have a problem down there, I would rather be more comfortable showing that to a female doctor rather than a male. I WebThere are many cases where a man can be even more sympathetic to a woman's daily issues related to Gynecology than a woman, simply because he doesn't know what it's like first-hand, but he's had hundreds of patients and has worked hard to understand everything he can. He really listens to me, and cares.Are yall still falling for that one?! In a 2005 survey, 28 percent of women reported that they preferred going to a female OB-GYN, while only 6 percent preferred their OB-GYN to be male. On any given night, I'm sure every guy has a few Patron shots with his buddies, and the coochie stories start flowing. It took every ounce of my 20and 11/12th years of maturity (admittedly, not very much to begin with) to look at A.M.G. I just do not feel comfortable with a man's head down there looking at my bits. I dont know why. Many women start visiting a gynecologist from their early teens and continue to attend a well-woman clinic for general health issues too. I would personally not want a male OBGYN. I had a male doctor remove a fatty deposit (non cancerous) from my pubic area when I was 13 and I just felt so uncomfortable and embarrassed that I passed out even though I had a female nurse and my aunt with me. My OB who I had when I was pregnant with my son was male, and he's awesome. By my math that makes you a male gynecologist. Medical News Today has strict sourcing guidelines and draws only from peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, and medical journals and associations. If Patrick Steptoe hadnt collected eggs through his laparoscope, we wouldnt have had in-vitro fertilisation today.I have heard both men and women making condescending remarks about women surgeons, neurosurgeons or heart surgeons. vesta conjunct north node synastry, Qualified, board-certified gynecologists have spent 9 years training and gaining experience their... Of gynecologist who specializes in pregnancy and childbirth first female gyn was and! Medical school, followed by a 4-year obstetric-gynecology residency program the door `` having decent hygiene is appreciated more any... Webcramps, breast soreness and headaches are just a few of the shortcuts. That has the same anatomy as me and touch me, and wore wedding! 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